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以社区微花园绿色微更新为起点,助力 北京花园城市建设
作者简介:1994年生/女/河南驻马店人/北京林业大学园林学院在读博士研 究生/研究方向为城市公共空间设计与社区营造、街区更新和社 区更新、风景园林规划与设计(北京 100083)
随着北京的城市更新进入转型提质新阶段,习近平 总书记作出北京花园城市建设重要指示。当前,市民对绿色开 放空间的要求越来越综合化和多元化,提升人民群众的获得感 和幸福感成为重中之重。北京自古以来拥有丰富的园林文化资 源,城园共生的传统营城和现代城市绿色网络发展奠定了花园 城市的基础格局。面对北京花园城市建设的机遇和挑战,需要 以“点-线-面”三维体系构建以社区微花园为起点的花园城 市建设格局。通过社区微花园对于北京花园城市建设的意义及 “1+N+∞”的微更新模式研究,探索可复制的微花园绿色更 新模式,助力花园城市建设。通过社区微花园的“挖潜提质- 网络构建-永续发展”三大阶段,提出以微花园为媒介的社会 需求治理、社会文化治理、层级化治理、社会活力治理、制度 治理的“五位一体”治理策略,从而全面推动以社区微花园为 起点的北京花园城市环境、内涵及格局的治理。
关键词:  风景园林  花园城市  社区微花园  城市微更新  社会治理  公众参与
基金项目:国家社科基金艺术学项目“社会治理视角下的老旧 社区公共空间微更新设计”(编号21BG126)资助
Taking the Green Micro-renewal of CommunityMicro Gardens as a Starting Point to Help BuildBeijing's Garden City
LIU Xin,HOU Xiaolei
As Beijing's urban renewal enters a new stage of transformation and quality improvement, President Xi has put forward important instructions for the construction of Beijing's Garden City. At present, the public's demand for green open space is becoming more and more comprehensive and diversified, and enhancing the people's sense of access and happiness has become a top priority. Since ancient times, Beijing has had rich cultural resources of gardens, the traditional urban-garden symbiosis and modern urban green network development have laid the foundation for a garden city. In the face of the opportunities and challenges of Beijing's garden city construction, it is necessary to build a garden city construction pattern with community micro gardens as the starting point in a three-dimensional system of "point - line - surface". Through the study of the significance of community micro gardens for the construction of garden city in Beijing and the micro-renewal mode of "1+N+∞", the replicable green renewal model of micro garden was explored to help the construction of garden city. Through the three phases of community micro gardens, namely "digging potential to improve quality - network construction - sustainable development", the "five-in-one" governance strategy of social demand governance, social and cultural governance, hierarchical governance, social vitality governance, and institutional governance through the medium of micro gardens is put forward. It proposes a "five-in-one" governance strategy based on micro gardens as the medium of social demand governance, social culture governance, hierarchical governance, social vitality governance, and institutional governance, and thus comprehensively promotes the governance of the environment, connotation, and pattern of Beijing's garden city, starting with community micro gardens.
Key words:  landscape architecture  garden city  community micro garden  urban micro-renewal  social governance  public participation

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