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13种浙江省野生铁线莲引种驯化与 观赏性评价
为保护和合理开发本土铁线莲属植物资源,对原产 浙江省的13种铁线莲进行引种驯化栽培,并结合对叶、花、 果表型特征连续4年的物候观测结果,采用层次分析(AHP)和 聚类分析法开展观赏性评价。结果显示:13种铁线莲在杭州 市临安区引种栽培后均能完成生活史;可分为常绿、半常绿和 落叶3个生态型;花期覆盖冬季(12—翌年2月)、春季(4—6 月)和夏季(7—8月),花萼以白色为主,也有蓝紫、淡紫、紫 红等色彩;除重瓣铁线莲外均具有较强的结实能力,是优良的 育种亲本资源。根据AHP评价和聚类分析结果,毛叶铁线莲 综合评分和观花评分均为最高(I级),观赏性优异;3个常绿 种类舟柄铁线莲、单叶铁线莲和柱果铁线莲的观叶评分最高(I 级);舟柄铁线莲、单叶铁线莲、柱果铁线莲等7个种类在果 序观赏性评分中为I级;13种铁线莲可按照观叶、观花和观果 特点进行造景应用,对夏季强光敏感的单叶铁线莲等种类可选 择适度荫蔽的小环境栽培。本研究将为中国本土野生铁线莲资 源开发和园林应用提供重要参考。
关键词:  园林植物  铁线莲属  浙江省  种质资源  引种驯 化  观赏性评价
Introduction, Domestication and OrnamentalEvaluation of 13 Wild Clematis Species fromZhejiang Province
SHAO Weili,LIU Zhigao,SHEN Yamei,JI Mengcheng
In order to protect and rationally develop native clematis plant resources, 13 species of clematis native to Zhejiang Province were introduced and cultivated. The four-year phenological observation results of leaf, flower, and fruit phenotypic characteristics were used for AHP method and cluster analysis to carry out ornamental evaluation. The results showed that 13 species of clematis could complete their life history in Lin'an District, Hangzhou; they could be divided into three ecotypes: evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous; the flowering period covered winter (December to February), spring (April to June) and summer (July to August), the calyx were mainly white, and also had bluepurple, lavender, purple and other colors; and except for C. florida var. plena, they all had strong fruit-bearing ability, which made them excellent breeding parent resources. According to the results of AHP evaluation and cluster analysis, the comprehensive score and flower viewing score of C. lanuginose were the highest (level I), and the ornamental was excellent; 3 evergreen species C. dilatata, C. henryi, and C. uncinata had the highest leaf-viewing score (level I); 7 species of clematis were ranked level I in the fruit order ornamental score; 13 species of clematis could be used in landscaping according to the characteristics of leaf viewing, flower viewing and fruit viewing, and C. henryi and other species sensitive to strong light in summer could be cultivated in a moderately shaded environment. This research will provide an important reference for the development and garden application of native wild clematis resources.
Key words:  landscape plant  clematis  Zhejiang Province  germplasm resource  introduction and domestication  ornamental evaluation

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