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基于LiDAR三维点云数据的乔木群落 生态绩效评价研究
生态绩效评价是科学表征和掌握生态效益与价值的 关键手段,乔木群落是重要的景观设计要素之一,对景观空间 生态效益有着显著影响。地面激光雷达技术(LiDAR)实现了 对植物群落三维点云模型的高精度重建,为生态绩效评价奠定 了数据基础。运用LiDAR技术采集乔木群落三维点云数据, 基于LiDAR360软件平台,提取乔木参数,通过整合绩效评 价工具,选择具有可测度的指标,对生态绩效进行讨论(增加 碳汇、缓解热岛效应、清洁空气、调节雨洪、保护生物多样 性);运用模糊综合分析法,对石家庄市滹沱河生态修复区内 的6种代表性乔木群落进行生态绩效评价。结果表明,叶面积 指数是提高综合生态绩效的关键因素;针叶树具有更高的清洁 空气效益;阔叶树具有更高的固碳能力;乔木规格对增加景观 空间的生物多样性有正向作用。建立了一套基于地面激光雷达 技术的生态绩效评价途径,为乔木群落生态绩效精准评价提供 了技术支撑。
关键词:  风景园林  生态绩效  LiDAR  乔木群落  点云 数据  绩效评价
Ecological Performance Evaluation of ArborCommunities Based on LiDAR 3D Point Cloud Data
LAI Xin,LIU Zhe,LI Haoran,ZHENG Xi
Ecological performance evaluation is a key method to characterize ecological benefits. Arbor community is one of the important elements of landscape design, which has a significant impact on ecological benefits. Terrestrial LiDAR technology realizes the reconstruction of the three-dimensional point cloud model of plant communities, and can efficiently extract a series of structure parameters. Using the LiDAR360 software platform, the tree parameters are extracted, and the ecological performance evaluation is conducted by integrating evaluation tools, selecting measurable indicators, and coupling to ecological performance (increasing carbon sinks, mitigating heat island effects, cleaning air, regulating rainwater, and protecting biodiversity). Using fuzzy comprehensive analysis method, the ecological benefits of six representative tree communities in the ecological restoration area of Hutuo River in Shijiazhuang City were analyzed. The results show that the LAI (leaf area index) is a key factor to improve the ecological performance. Conifers have higher clean air benefits; broad-leaved trees have higher carbon sequestration capacity; and tree size has a positive effect on increasing landscape biodiversity. By establishing ecological performance evaluation paths based on terrestrial lidar technology, a new method for the accurate evaluation of ecological performance was conducted.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological performance  LiDAR  arbor community  point cloud data  performance evaluation

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