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重庆市主城区种子植物资源调查及 区系分析
为掌握重庆市主城区种子植物的资源情况及其区系成 分,为引种及植物资源开发利用提供参考。对位于重庆市主城 区的公园绿地、广场绿地、区域绿地及住宅小区附属绿地的种 子植物进行全面调查、统计和区系分析。结果显示,重庆市主 城区园林绿地共有种子植物105科267属441种,其中木本植 物281种、草本植物160种;科的分布区主要有9个类型7个变 型,除世界广布型外,泛热带分布型区系成分占主导,占所有 科的28.57%;属的分布区可以分为14个类型12个变型,泛热 带型占主导,含40属,占总属数的14.98%;其次是热带亚洲 和热带美洲间断分布型,含35属、占13.11%;再次是北温带 分布型,含30属、占11.24%。重庆市主城区园林中种子植物 种类还不够丰富,对种子植物资源开发利用程度还不够;引种 宜首选泛热带区系成分的植物,其次是东亚和北美洲间断型、 热带亚洲至热带非洲型及世界广布型区系成分的植物。
关键词:  园林植物  种子植物  资源调查  区系分析  重庆 市主城区
Investigation and Floristic Analysis of Seed PlantResources in the Main Urban Area of Chongqing
WANG Youguo,ZHUANG Huarong,ZANG Dekui
To find out the situation of the seed plant resources in gardens and green space in the main urban area of Chongqing and their flora, and provide reference for the introduction, development and utilization of plant resources, The comprehensive investigation, statistics and floristic analysis were carried out on the cultivation and application seed plants in the park green space, square green space, regional green space and residential district auxiliary green space in the main urban area of Chongqing. There are 441 species of seed plants altogether in this area under 267 genera and 105 families, including 281 species of woody plants and 160 species of herbaceous plants. Among the distribution types of families, there are 9 distribution types and 7 varieties. Except Cosmopolitan, the floristic components of Pantropic are dominant, accounting for 28.57% of all families. Among the distribution types of genera, there are 14 distribution types and 12 varieties with Pantropic as the dominant part, which includes 40 genera, accounting for 14.98% of the total genera. Trop. Asia & Trop. Amer. Disjuncted comes second, with 35 genera, accounting for 13.11% of the total genera. North Temperate has 30 genera, accounting for 11.24% of the total genera. There are not abundant species of cultivation and application seed plants in the main urban area of Chongqing, and exploitation and utilization of seed plant resources has been inadequate. Plants with Pantropic floristic components should take precedence in introduction, followed by the plants with E. Asia & N. Amer. Disjuncted components, Trop. Asia & Trop. Africa components and Cosmopolitan components, which are easy to succeed in introduction and cultivation.
Key words:  landscape plant  seed plant  resource survey  floristic analysis  main urban area of Chongqing

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