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作者简介:1971年生/男/陕西商洛人/博士/长安大学建筑学院风景园林学 科责任教授,环境艺术与环境美学出站博士后,硕士生导师/研 究方向为风景园林历史与理论、西北地域文化遗产景观(西安 710055)
最早记载于《诗经》的“卷阿”有着独特的“飘风 自南”自然山水景观。在考辨“有卷者阿”历史源流的基础上 分析其发轫、形成及“形胜”特征,认为“卷阿”形胜观历经 “自然景观空间-建筑空间-精神空间”的发展过程,由物质空 间升华到精神空间的文化意象。在皇权观念中,以高大广阔的 建筑景观空间寓于“有卷者阿”形态,体现君王礼贤下士、君 子纳才的宽广胸怀;对于贤臣来说,彰显其所追求修身治国之 抱负和聿修厥德的情操。诠释“卷阿”山水格局并传承其文化 内涵,构建蕴含人文精神的风景游赏地,形成物质与精神交融 的山水景观空间,以达育人、化人的目的。
关键词:  风景园林  “卷阿”  “山水形胜”  文化内涵
基金项目:陕西省社会科学基金项目“陕西北朝石刻书法的 当代文化价值研究”(编号2021J041)和教育部哲学社会科学 研究后期资助项目“民族融合视域下的北朝陕西石刻书法研 究”(编号22JHQ049)共同资助
The Connotation and Transmutation of "Quan Wo"Concept of Shape Advantageous Terrain
YUE Hongji,TANG Yun,LI Yijing
The earliest recorded in the Book of Songs, "Quan Wo" has a unique "wind from the south" natural landscape. On the basis of examining the historical origin of "Having the 'Quan' means having the 'Wo' ", this article analyzed its origin and formation, and holds that "Quan Wo" has the characteristics of "xing (shape) sheng (advantageous terrain)". It is believed that the concept of "xing (shape) sheng (advantageous terrain)" of "Quan Wo" has gone through the development process of "natural landscape space-architectural spacespiritual space", and sublimated from material space to cultural image of spiritual space. In the concept of imperial power, the tall and broad architectural landscape space is placed in the form of "Having the 'Quan' means having the 'Wo' ", reflecting the broad mind of the monarch and the gentleman; for virtuous ministers, it shows the scholar's style of pursuing Juede and nobleness. The paper interprets the landscape pattern of "Quan Wo" and inherits its cultural connotation, constructs a landscape sightseeing place containing humanistic spirit, and forms a landscape space integrating material and spirit, so as to achieve the purpose of educating people and transforming people.
Key words:  landscape architecture  "Quan Wo"  "shan (mountain) shui (river) xing (shape) sheng (advantageous terrain)"  cultural connotation

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