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自然遗产和文化遗产整体保护是全球范围的共识和 共同议题。改革开放40年来,在学科建设、学术研究、制度建 设和实践发展方面,自然保护和文化保护这2条线索一直相伴 相随,但整体上专业领域的分离是比较明显的。近年来,国内 相关研究开始关注自然与文化资源的综合价值,诸多国家的空 间规划实践也将“美丽宜居国土”作为国家战略目标,尤其关 注自然与文化资源的系统性、整体性,以多学科技术支持和多 部门协商机制确保美丽国土战略目标的实现。本文强调,为整 体塑造更具自然与文化价值的国土空间,自然保护与文化保护 相融合是必然的努力方向。包括3个部分:第一部分回顾改革 开放40多年来保护制度和理论技术演化的方向;第二部分分析 借鉴国际空间规划领域的实践特点;最后一部分提出加强自然 遗产和文化遗产保护的综合性和整体性,构建更具自然与文化 价值的国土空间策略,包括推进多学科和多主体参与共建,创 新全过程的工作方法与数字化技术手段,构建国家遗产空间保 护体系和政策保障机制等。
关键词:  风景园林  自然与文化价值  国土空间  国土空间 规划  整体性
Creating Territorial Space with More Natural and Cultural Values: A Holistic Approach
The integral conservation of natural heritage and cultural heritage has become a global consensus and common topic. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, in terms of discipline construction, academic research, system construction, and practical development, the two clues of nature protection and cultural protection have been accompanying each other, but the separation of professional fields is relatively obvious on the whole. In recent years, relevant research in China has begun to pay attention to the comprehensive value of natural and cultural resources. Many spatial planning practice of China also regard "beautiful and livable territorial land" as a national strategic goal, especially paying attention to the systematization and integrity of natural and cultural resources, and multi-disciplinary technical support and multi-sectoral consultation mechanism ensure the realization of the strategic goal of beautiful territorial land. This paper emphasizes that the integration of natural protection and cultural protection is an inevitable direction of efforts to shape a territorial land space with more natural and cultural value as a whole. It consists of three parts: the first part reviews the direction of evolution of the protection system and theory and technology over the past 40 years of reform and opening up. the second part analyzes and draws on the practical characteristics of the international spatial planning field; and the last part proposes to strengthen the comprehensiveness and integrity of natural heritage and cultural heritage protection to build a land space strategy with more natural and cultural values, such as enhancing the multi-disciplinary cooperation and the multistakeholders participation, promoting innovative methods and digital technologies, establishing the spatial system of "National Heritage" protection, and improving the conservation policy performance.
Key words:  landscape architecture  natural and cultural values  territorial space  territorial spatial planning  integrity

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