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声景的研究和实践在近几十年取得了突破性的进展, 尤以在欧洲的势态最为蓬勃。近约20年来对欧洲声景发展影响 较大的关键政策性事件、重大课题以及具有示范意义的声景实 践在此得到梳理和回顾。从中可见,政府及重要机构的政策和 行动可成为学科发展的引擎,并在提供多学科交叉的复合研究 平台上发挥不可代替的作用;重大研究课题可直接牵引学科进 步,同时在发挥社会影响力、聚集世界范围的多学科背景研究 人员等方面提供宝贵机会;专业研讨会和工作坊在促进学科内 外交流、公众宣传和推广学科知识、吸引专业人才方面必不可 少;创新的声景实践使学科服务于人居环境的提升,其成功经 验又可进一步指导学科研究,形成良性循环。政府及有影响力 机构的大力扶持、重视学科交叉、提升社会与公众参与度等重 要经验可为中国声景学科及至三景学科的发展提供有益启示。
关键词:  风景园林  声景发展  政策性事件  重大课题  专 业联盟  学科启示
Progress of Soundscape Research and Practice inEurope
QIU Jianzhen,KANG Jian,WU Shuoxian
Over the past decades, significant progress was made in the Soundscape Discipline, with great successes in Europe. This article reviews the key policy events, major academic programs, and exemplary practices that have had great impact on the development of Soundscape Discipline in Europe for the past 20 years. These events demonstrate that policies set by the government and important institutions can fuel academic developments, and play an irreplaceable key role in providing multidisciplinary intersection research platforms. Major research programs can become a direct driving force for discipline advancement, and provide invaluable opportunities for exerting social influence and gathering professionals with multidisciplinary backgrounds from around the world. In addition, academic conferences and workshops are also indispensable in promoting exchanges, public awareness, and attracting talents into the field. Innovative soundscape practices improve the human living environment, and in turn gain priceless innovations and guidelines through the feedback from their implementation, which further elevate the research, creating a virtuous circle. In summary, the successful experience in Europe shows the importance of strong support from government and influential institutions, emphasis on multidisciplinary crossintegration, and active general social and public participation. It is hoped that these experiences will bring valuable enlightenments on the healthy development of constructing human living environment, providing lessons to the development of soundscape, as well as smellscape and lightscape, in present China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  progress of soundscape  policy event  major project  professional network  inspiration for discipline

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