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多元主体评价机制下新形态风景园林 专业教材建构——以南京林业大学《园林 规划设计》第四版教材建设为例
为把握信息技术与教育教学深度融合的发展机遇, 探索符合风景园林专业特色的新形态教材的建设路径,南京林 业大学风景园林规划设计教学团队以《园林规划设计》第四版 教材修订为契机,构建学生、教师、社会从业者等多方主体参 与的多元主体评价机制,结合线上问卷调查与线下研讨会,针 对不同人群进行教材建设意见调研。将各方主体意见进行分 析、对比与整合,从价值导向引领、学科前沿把握、学科交叉 融合、信息技术联动及在线课程建设5个层面构建新形态风景 园林专业教材建设体系。通过对本系列教材优化路径的探索, 以期为高校风景园林专业教材建设提供参考,也为风景园林教 育的优化改革提供新思路。
关键词:  风景园林  多元主体评价  园林规划设计  新形态 教材  风景园林专业教育  南京林业大学
Construction of New Form of LandscapeArchitecture Teaching Materials under the MultiagentEvaluation Mechanism—Taking the TextbookConstruction of the Fourth Edition of LandscapePlanning and Design of Nanjing Forestry Universityas an Example
ZHAO Xinjie,DONG Lin,WANG Hui,CHEN Shuolei,WANG Hao
In order to utilize the opportunity of development of the integration of information technology and education, and to explore the construction path of new form teaching materials in line with the characteristics of landscape architecture specialty, the teaching team of landscape architecture planning and design of Nanjing Forestry University took the opportunity of revising the fourth edition textbook of Landscape Planning and Design to build a multi-agent evaluation mechanism with the participation of students, teachers and social practitioners. Combined with online questionnaire survey and offline symposium, the team collected the opinions of different groups in terms of the improvement of the textbook. This paper analyzes, compares, and integrates the opinions of different groups, and constructs a new form of teaching material construction system for landscape architecture from five aspects: establishing an appropriate value, grasping the frontier of discipline, promoting interdisciplinary integration, improving the linkage of multiple information technologies and building online curriculum. Through the exploration of the path of optimization of this series of the textbook, this paper provides the reference for the construction of teaching materials for landscape architecture in universities, and new ideas for improvement and innovation of landscape architecture education.
Key words:  landscape architecture  multi-agent evaluation  landscape planning and design  new form textbook  landscape architecture professional education  Nanjing Forestry University

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