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基于+E11:K11生态特征与问题聚类识别的平原 农业区乡村生态修复策略——以辽宁省 黑山县为例
平原农业乡村地区长期的农业生产对生态系统造成 了持续广泛的影响,林地、湿地等生态斑块萎缩,自然过程受 到干扰。乡村生态修复是提升农业生产系统可持续性的途径, 由于农业生产对自然过程的依赖性强,在地性的生态特征和生 态问题分析是提出适应性强的生态修复策略的前提。在识别区 域自然过程分析和在地性生态问题识别的前提下,梳理遵循自 然过程的平原生态农业区乡村生态修复逻辑,提出面向生态问 题的平原农业区生态修复实践框架,并以典型的平原农业城 市——辽宁省黑山县为例进行实践研究。基于对黑山县生态特 征的认知,通过多尺度分割将研究区域划分为3 969个具有相 似特征的研究样本,采用K-Medoids方法聚类为8类。进一步 将黑山县分为6个生态修复单元,提出在地性修复策略,修复 区域主导自然过程和林水生态微循环,增强平原农业乡村地区 生态韧性。
关键词:  风景园林  乡村生态修复  平原农业区  生态问 题  自然过程  K-Medoids聚类
Rural Ecological Restoration Strategies in PlainAgricultural Areas Based on the Identification ofEcological Characteristics and Issues throughClustering—A Case Study of Heishan County,Liaoning Province
SHENG Shuo,WANG Yuncai
Long-term cultivation activities in plain agricultural areas have caused a continuous and extensive impact on ecosystems, which resulted in the shrinkage of woodlands, wetlands, and other ecological patches and interrupted natural processes. Rural ecological restoration is one way to enhance the sustainability of the agricultural production system. As agricultural production is highly dependent on natural processes, in situ ecological characterization and analysis are prerequisites for proposing appropriate ecological restoration strategies. This study is rooted in regional natural processes and in situ ecological problem analysis. Based on organizing the interaction logic of ecological processes and problems in the plain agricultural area, this paper proposes a practical framework for ecological restoration and takes Heishan County, a typical plain agricultural city, Liaoning Province, as an example for study. Based on the understanding of the ecological situation in Heishan County, this area was divided into 3,969 samples with similar characteristics based on multi-resolution division and then clustered into eight groups by the K-Medoids method. Further, the study area was categorized into six ecological restoration zones, and in situ restoration strategies were proposed to restore the dominant natural processes and micro-circulations of the regions, enhancing the ecological resilience of plain agricultural and rural areas.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural ecological restoration  plain agricultural area  ecological problem  natural process  K-Medoids clustering method

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