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基于Maxent模型的深圳湾鸟类热点生境 判别及修复研究
鸟类热点生境判别对于掌握鸟类空间分布格局、 识别保护空缺及指引生境修复策略具有科学价值。采用最大 熵模型确定深圳湾2000与2020年的鸟类热点生境,分析鸟 类生境的变化及其与景观格局演变的关系。结果表明:1)各 环境因子对不同生态类群的鸟类影响程度各不相同,除鸣禽 以外水源距离对其他类群鸟类的影响较大,其次为高程和 年降水量;2)2020年深圳湾的鸟类热点生境占总研究区的 3%(22km2),呈现从自然保护区向城市内陆逐渐减少的趋 势,存在2km2的保护空缺;3)20年间深圳湾鸟类的热点生 境减少了7%,热点生境下降的地区主要集中在深圳湾沿海滩 涂、香港山贝河与屯门河流域中,且猛禽与游禽的生境退化最 为严重;4)鸟类热点生境面积随斑块的数量、密度、形状与用 地类型等景观指数的增加而降低,景观破碎化和景观连通性降 低是导致鸟类生境退化的主要原因。研究为深圳湾鸟类多样性 保护及生境修复提供了参考,对粤港澳大湾区协同生态保护与 城市建设的关系具有重要意义。
关键词:  风景园林  生态修复  鸟类  生物多样性  Maxent模型  蓝绿生态网络  深圳湾
Study on the Identification and Restoration ofBird Hotspot Habitats in Shenzhen Bay Based onMaxent Model
LI Hui,LIU Yan,HUANG Yilin,WANG Junzhi,GAO Wei
The identification of bird hotspot habitats is of scientific value in understanding the spatial distribution patterns of birds, identifying conservation gaps and guiding habitat restoration strategies. The maximum entropy model (Maxent model) was used to identify bird hotspot habitats in Shenzhen Bay in 2000 and 2020, and to analyze the changes in bird habitats and their relationship with the evolution of the landscape pattern. The results show that: 1) Environmental factors have different degrees of influence on birds of different ecological groups, with the distance to water sources having a greater influence on birds of other groups than songbirds, followed by elevation and annual precipitation; 2) Bird hotspot habitats in Shenzhen Bay in 2020 accounted for 3% (22km2) of the total study area, showing a trend of gradual decrease from the nature reserve to the urban interior, with a 2km2 conservation gap; 3) The hotspot habitats of birds in Shenzhen Bay decreased by 7% in 20 years, and the areas where the hotspot habitats decreased were mainly concentrated in the coastal mudflats of Shenzhen Bay, the Shanbei River and the Tuen Mun River basin in Hong Kong, and the habitats of raptors and wading birds were most seriously degraded; 4) The area of bird hotspot habitats decreased with the increase of landscape indices such as the number, density, shape and land type of patches, and landscape fragmentation and reduced landscape connectivity were the main reasons for the degradation of bird. The main causes of habitat degradation were landscape fragmentation and reduced landscape connectivity. The study provides a reference for bird diversity conservation and habitat restoration in Shenzhen Bay, and is important for the relationship between synergistic ecological conservation and urban construction in the Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological restoration  bird  biodiversity  Maxent model  blue-green ecological network  Shenzhen Bay

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