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动荡时代的城市中央公园营造——民国 “昆明中央公园”图案竞赛及首奖考述
通过爬梳史料及采集口述史的方式对民国抗战时期 营建的“昆明中央公园”图案竞赛进行史考,考证“抗战胜利 纪念堂”前身为“昆明中央公园及中山纪念堂”,其应属同时 期的中山公园。图案竞赛吸引了多位民国著名建筑师参赛,最 终采用李華建筑师的方案并由陆根记营造厂进行营建。在复现 该段历史的基础上,对李華建筑师首奖方案进行分析,总结了 昆明中央公园的营建特征。本研究可为中山公园研究补充特殊 案例,为进一步开展昆明近代园林及城市研究提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  昆明中央公园  中山纪念堂  抗战胜利 纪念堂  图案竞赛  李華
The Construction of Urban Central Park in TurbulentTimes—Research on the Competition and FirstPrize for the "Kunming Central Park" Project in theRepublic of China Period
DU Jianjun,YANG Yi
This article makes a historical research on the scheme competition of "Kunming Central Park" built during the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression in the Republic of China period, by crawling and sorting out historical materials and collecting oral history, and revealed that the "Resistance War against Japanese Aggression Victory Memorial Hall" was formerly known as "Kunming Central Park and Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall", which should belong to "Sun Yat-sen Park" in the same period. In the scheme competition, many famous architects participated in the bidding, and finally Li Hua's plan was adopted and the park was built by the Construction Factory of Lugen's Engineering Office. On the basis of reproducing the competition history, the first prize proposal of Li Hua was analyzed and the characteristics of the construction of Kunming Central Park was summarized. This research can supplement special cases for the study of Sun Yat-Sen Park, and provide references for further research on Kunming modern gardens and cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Kunming Central Park  Sun Yat-sen Park  Resistance War against Japanese Aggression Victory Memorial Hall  scheme competition  Li Hua

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