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基于社会生态记忆的青山湖绿道场景 构建策略
城市近郊的绿道作为区域绿地系统中的重要组成部 分,是城镇居民使用率较高的绿地类型。基于社会生态记忆视 角,以青山湖环湖绿道规划设计为例,研究如何保护绿地格局 的完整性与生态环境的原真性,并让游客在场所中获得归属感 与群体认同。规划设计正视场地变迁的时代印记,结合现阶段 绿道发展的定位,针对每个发展阶段遗留的特征,保留、修 复、融合及重构,赋予场地全新的功能定位并构建新的平衡 态,实现地域文明与新兴城市风格的和谐共存。青山湖绿道场 景构建策略探索了景观营建与记忆延续的相互关系,为受城镇 化进程影响的城郊空间更新如何兼顾生态、人文与记忆提供了 全新的视角。
关键词:  风景园林  社会生态记忆  生态环境  群体认 同  记忆延续  青山湖绿道
The Construction Strategy of Qingshan Lake Greenway Based on Social Ecological Memory
TONG Meiqing,XU Bin,ZHANG Yaping
The greenway in the suburbs, as an important part of the regional green space system, is a type of greenbelt type with a high utilization rate of urban residents. Based on the perspective of social ecological memory, the planning and design of the Greenway around Qingshan Lake is taken as an example to study how to protect the integrity of the greenbelt pattern and the authenticity of the ecological environment, in order to make visitors obtain a sense of belonging and group identity there. The planning and design face up to the time imprints of site changes, combined with the positioning of the current stage of greenway development, and aiming at the characteristics left over from each development stage, giving the site a new functional positioning and building a new balance by retaining, repairing, merging, restructuring. Through this, it aims to realize a harmonious coexistence between regional civilization and emerging urban style. The strategy of scene construction for Qingshan Lake greenway explores the interrelationship between landscape construction and memory continuity, which provides a new perspective on how to take consideration to the ecology, humanities and memory in the renewal of urban suburbs influenced by the process of urbanization.
Key words:  landscape architecture  social ecological memory  ecological environment  group identification  memory continuation  Qingshan Lake Greenway

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