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大数据视角下城市公园生态功能空间差异性 分析与评价研究——以福州市晋安区城市公园 为例
尝试使用位置大数据,基于使用强度、生态敏感度 (SE)与景观安全格局(LSP)指标对福州市晋安区城市公园生 态功能现状进行分析,探讨空间维度上的公园使用强度差异对 城市公园生态功能造成影响的原因。研究表明:1)不同空间 维度的使用强度对城市公园生态功能的影响,生态敏感度大于 景观安全格局;2)生态敏感度与使用强度存在显著相关性, 其中坡向、高程、土地利用类型与使用强度存在显著正向相关 性,在景观安全格局分析中,视觉安全格局、雨洪安全格局与 使用强度存在部分相关性;3)使用强度分析能够客观呈现游 客在空间维度上的人群密度变化,从而探究在不同空间维度 上,使用强度对城市公园生态功能空间变化产生的影响及原 因,并提供具有针对性的城市公园生态功能优化建议。
关键词:  风景园林  生态敏感度  使用强度  景观安全格 局  生态功能  城市公园
Research on the Analysis and Evaluation of the Spatial Differences of Ecological Functions of Urban Parks from the Perspective of Big Data
CHENG Linli,HUANG Shuo,DONG Jianwen,CHEN Xiaoyan,ZHENG Yu
By using location big data, this paper studied the present situation of the urban parks' ecological functions in Jin'an District, Fuzhou, based on the utilization intensity, ecological sensitivity and landscape security pattern. The paper discussed the reasons for the impact of park utilization strength differences in the spatial dimension on park ecological functions. The results show: 1) The impact of the intensity of use on different spatial dimensions on the ecological sensitivity of urban parks is greater than the landscape security pattern; 2) There is a significant correlation between ecological sensitivity and utilization strength. Slope direction, elevation, land use pattern and utilization strength significantly correlate especially. In the analysis of landscape security pattern, visual security pattern, storm flood security pattern and use intensity are partially correlated; 3) Utilization intensity can objectively show the changes of crowd density in spatial dimensions. So as to explore, in different spatial dimensions, the influence of utilization intensity on the spatial changes of urban park ecological functions and its reasons. It can propose pertinent optimization suggestion to improve ecological function of urban parks.
Key words:  : landscape architecture  ecological sensitivity  utilization intensity  landscape security pattern  ecological function  urban park

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