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城市工业区野境植物多样性与群落结构 研究——以原上海溶剂厂再野化为例
城市野境具有独特的生物多样性和自然野趣景观, 对促进城市生态恢复具有重要意义。经过10余年的再野化过 程,原上海溶剂厂形成人工栽培绿化树木与自生植被镶嵌生长 的分布格局,呈现人工绿地自然化、建筑和构筑物被植被立体 覆盖等城市野境景观。共调查到植物104科247属312种,原 生种和自生植物比例分别为54.81%、56.73%,明显高于一 般公园绿地;再野化促进更新苗的发育,植物群落结构趋于多 层而复杂,各群落α多样性指数较高。通过植被管理,促进植 物多样性自然恢复能力与潜力,发挥再野化对城市棕地生态修 复和后工业自然景观营造的作用。
关键词:  园林植物  再野化  植物多样性  工业废弃地  城 市野境  棕地修复
Research on Plant Diversity and Plant Community Structure of Wildness in Urban Industrial Area—Taking the Rewilding of Shanghai Solvent Factory as an Example
ZHANG Qingfei,JIA Xixuan,ZHENG Sijun,DAI Xingan
The urban wilderness which owns unique biodiversity and natural wild landscape has great significance to promote urban ecological restoration. After more than ten years of rewilding, the mosaic growth pattern of artificially cultivated greening trees and spontaneous vegetation in Shanghai Solvent Factory, presented an urban wild landscape which showed naturalized artificial green space, buildings and structures covered by plants and so on. A total of 312 species belonging to 247 genera and 104 families were identified. The proportions of native species and spontaneous plants were 54.81% and 56.73% respectively, which were apparently higher than that of normal parks. Rewilding promotes the development of regenerated seedlings, structure of plant communities tend to be multi-layer and complex, and the overall α diversity index of each community are relevantly high. Through vegetation management, and promoting the natural restoration capacity and potential of plant diversity, it can exert its effect on the ecological restoration of brownfields and the construction of post-industrial natural landscapes.
Key words:  landscape plant  rewilding  plant diversity  abandoned industrial land  urban wildness  brownfield remediation

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