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立体绿化是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,既增加 了寸土寸金城市中的生态绿量,提高了绿视率,又提升了城市 街区空间里的美学与社会学价值,起到了改善城市生态环境质 量、实现城市绿化增量、美化空间效果的作用。当前世界各地 一些城市在发展立体绿化时进行了政策的导向与扶持、安全性 与养护的技术攻关、形式的艺术创新等实践,但立体绿化在生 长条件、植物配置、容器选择、施工养护等方面都需要克服许 多不利的因素,需要对建筑空间进行研读并科学分析光照、温 度、风力、水分等非生物因子,合理选择适合高空安全固定的容 器与健康生长的植物种类。在分析与借鉴世界各地立体绿化成功 经验基础上,在上海中心城区恒基旭辉天地、天安千树等项目中 进行了立体绿化技术攻关与艺术创新的研究与实践,在容器、植 物配置、安全等方面取得了阶段性成果,对上海及其他城市立体 绿化技术支撑和形式创新具有指导意义与参考价值
关键词:  风景园林  立体绿化  植物  创新  设计  实践
Innovation and Exploration of Urban ThreeDimensional Greening
YU Jinlong
As an important part of urban green space system, threedimensional greening increases the quantity of ecological green in city by improving the green vision rate as well as the aesthetic and sociological value in the urban block space. In addition, it is helpful to improve the quality of urban ecological environment, to increase the amount of urban greening and to beautify the spatial effect. At present, some cities around the world have made efforts in policy guidance and support, and some practices such as technical research on safety and maintenance, artistic innovation of forms in the development of three-dimensional greening. However, some unfavorable factors need to be overcome, such as growth conditions, plant arrangement, container selection, construction and maintenance. It requires research on construction space and scientific analysis of the influence of non-biological factors such as light, temperature, wind power, and moisture which are suitable for highaltitude places. This paper resorted to the experience of successful cases of three-dimensional greening around the world, and carried out research and practice on technical breakthrough and artistic innovation in threedimensional greening projects of The ROOF (Xuhui Tiandi of Hengji) and 1000 Trees (Tian'an Qianshu) in the central urban areas of Shanghai. As a result, it has gained progressive achievements in container, plant arrangement and safety, which are valuable to guide three-dimensional greening in Shanghai and other cities in technical support and form innovation
Key words:  landscape architecture  three-dimensional greening  plant  innovation  design  practice

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