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依托自然资源的西南彝族聚居环境生态 智慧研究
随着城镇化的快速推进,生活在西南地区的彝族生 产生活方式正悄然发生转变,对聚落空间提出了新的功能需 求。如何继承与发扬西南彝族生产生活中与自然资源的协调智 慧,成为目前亟待解决的关键问题。通过田野调查,分析西南 彝族生产生活实践与自然资源的协调关系,并建立其与聚居环 境的联系,进一步挖掘其中蕴含的生态智慧:1)形成了西南彝 族聚居环境中“农田-树篱-农田”的镶嵌景观格局、“聚落 林地”协调的空间格局,以及“林地-农田-牲畜圈”的资源持 续利用格局;2)体现了西南彝族聚居环境中分井分类、刻木分 水等用水智慧;3)土地资源的地域特征与西南彝族聚居环境的 差异化表达联系紧密,主要体现在不同农业生产方式与聚落空 间的协调关系中。研究过程与方法可为类似传统聚落研究提供 指导,也可为传统聚落现代转译过程中如何保留和传承生态智 慧提供启示
关键词:  风景园林  西南彝族  聚居环境  生态智慧  自然 资源
Study on the Ecological Wisdom of the Settlement Environment of Yi Minority in Southwest China Relying on Natural Resources
DU Chunlan,LIN Likai
With the rapid advancement of urbanization in Southwest China, the production and life style of Yi people is quietly changing, which also puts forward new functional requirements for settlement space. How to inherit and carry forward the wisdom of coordination between production and life style and ecology of the Yi people in Southwest China has become a key problem to be solved. Through field investigation, this study summarizes the characteristics of production and life of the Yi people in Southwest China, and analyzes the coordination between the construction of their settlement environment and natural resources, which is mainly manifested in three aspects: 1) The coordinated wisdom of forestland and settlement provides an important guarantee for the sustainable production capacity of settlement land; 2) The wisdom of coordination between scarce water resources and the needs of production and living contributes valuable traditional wisdom to solving the contradiction between human and water in modern settlements; 3) The characteristics of land resources are closely related to the mode of production and life. The process and method of this study can provide guidance for the study of similar traditional settlements, and also provide inspiration for how to retain and inherit traditional wisdom in the modernization process of traditional settlements
Key words:  landscape architecture  the Yi minority  settlement environment  ecological wisdom  natural resources

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