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山水是中国风景园林的文化核心,反映出中国人独 特的自然观、人文观和实践观。中国古代山水营建智慧是基 于“天地与我并生,万物与我为一”的核心思想,在“人与天 调”的实践观下形成的实践理论体系。在其指导下的山水营建 实践以人地关系的和谐为核心,主要体现为“因地制宜”与 “因时制宜”。“地”和“时”分别对应空间和时间的维度, “营建”是人在时空中进行的活动,营建的因地因时制宜,就 是三者的均衡统一。山水营建智慧指导下的实践表现为人居环 境与山水自然环境从精神理念到物质现实层面的交融,体现在 以下4个层面:敬畏山水自然的保护、依存山水形势的规划、 遵循山水规律的治理,以及取法山水形意的设计。从时空整体 视角看,山水营建智慧与实践在各个层面相互影响、循环演 进。如何通过山水营建智慧,因地制宜、因时制宜地保护自然 环境、营造人居环境,是21世纪风景园林学的核心研究和实 践内容。
关键词:  风景园林  自然保护  风景治理  地景规划  景观 设计
Shan-shui Landscape Creation in Ancient China: Wisdom and Practice
YANG Rui,HOU Shuyu,CAO Yue
: Shan-shui is the cultural core of the Chinese landscape architecture, reflecting the Chinese people's unique view on nature, humanities and practice. The wisdom of Chinese Shan-shui landscape creation is based on the core idea of "heaven and the earth live together with me, and the myriad things and I are one", and a practical theoretical system formed under the concept of "man and nature are in harmony". The landscape architecture construction practice under the above concepts is centered on the harmony of human and nature, which emphasizes creating landscapes according to spatial and temporal conditions. In this context, spatial and temporal conditions serve as the backdrop where humans create the landscape and achieve the balance of the three. The practice under the guidance of the wisdom of Shan-shui creation is manifested in the integration of human environments and natural environments from the spiritual level to the physical level. Specifically, it can be embodied in four types of practice: conservation with respect for Shan-shui, planning following patterns of Shan-shui, governance following the laws of Shan-shui, and design based on the artistic conception of Shan-shui. From the perspective of time and space, the wisdom and the practice of Shan-shui creation influence each other and cyclically evolve. How to adapt to local conditions, conserve the natural environments and design human settlements are the core of research and practice of landscape architecture in the 21st century.
Key words:  landscape architecture  nature conservation  landscape management  landscape planning  landscape design

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