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景观格局优化视角下水环境生态空间 适应性发展研究——以大运河沿线台儿庄 古镇为例
水环境生态空间的适应性发展研究对空间生态安全、 景观生态系统的可持续发展和景观空间活力的提升具有重要意 义。以大运河山东段的台儿庄古镇为例,在景观格局优化视角 下,构建水环境生态空间适应性发展框架,提出实践研究思路 及适应性发展策略。研究结果表明:1)运用ArcGIS软件对台儿 庄古镇水环境生态空间的敏感性进行综合评价,得出运河沿线 与龟汪、西塘湾、庙汪的交汇区域为极高敏感区,运河沿线景 观绿带区域及古镇水巷区域为高敏感区,古镇商业性建设用地 及北部、东部的民居区域属于中低敏感区,基于此构建水环境 生态安全体系并划分水环境生态空间管控分区;2)台儿庄古镇 下垫面径流量为0.828,应适度增加透水性材料,提高水环境 系统的生态循环功能;3)增加古镇空间界面中的水环境景观, 提升景观空间活力。研究结果可进一步为大运河沿线的古镇聚 落水环境生态系统的适应性发展提供可借鉴的思路和方法。
关键词:  风景园林  景观格局  水环境  生态敏感性  生态 技术  生态空间
Study on the Development of Ecological Space Adaptability of Water Environment Based on the Perspective of Landscape Pattern Optimization—Take Taierzhuang Ancient Town along the Grand Canal as an Example
ZHAO Yachen,ZENG Jian
The research on the adaptive development of water environment ecological space is of significance to the space ecological security, the sustainable development of landscape ecosystem and the promotion of landscape space vitality. Taking Taierzhuang Ancient Town as an example, this paper constructs the framework of water environment ecological space adaptive development from the perspective of landscape pattern optimization, puts forward practical research ideas, and then puts forward adaptive development strategies. The results show that: 1) ArcGIS software comprehensively evaluated the sensitivity of water environment ecological space in Taierzhuang Ancient Town, the intersection area along the canal and Guiwang, Xitangwan and Miaowang was the extremely high sensitive area; the landscape green belt area along the canal and the Water Lane area of the ancient town were the high sensitive area; the commercial construction land of the ancient town and the residential area in the north and east were the low sensitive area. Based on this, the water environment ecological security system is constructed and the water environment ecological space control zoning is divided. 2) The runoff of the underlying surface of Taierzhuang Ancient Town is 0.828, and it is proposed to increase the permeable materials and improve the ecological cycle function of the water environment system. 3) It is proposed to increase the water environment landscape in the space interface of the ancient town and enhance the vitality of the landscape space. The results of this study can provide ideas and methods for the adaptive development of the ancient towns along the Grand Canal and contribute to the protection and development of the Grand Canal.
Key words:  : landscape architecture  landscape pattern  water environment  ecological sensitivity  ecological technology  ecological space

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