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“平战”结合的社区可食景观营造 ——基于传染性疾病防控的思考
社区是与人们日常生活最为密切的空间,社区内的 景观承载着居民日常休闲和社会交往的功能。在传染性疾病暴 发和防控期间,人们出行范围与时间受到限制,社区成为人们 可活动的最大区域,社区景观则成为人们唯一可接触到的绿地 空间,其重要性不言而喻。可食景观倡导在景观设计中利用可 供人类食用的植物,不仅可以加深绿地与民众生活的深度融 合,还可以提供新鲜优质安全的食品,实现景观与自然、城市 与乡郊、美观与食用的融合。通过对社区外、社区内、家庭半 户外3个层次的公共空间进行可食景观的营造探索,构建社区 传染性疾病防疫圈和蔬菜供应缓冲链,以期成为“战时”生命 花园和“平时”社区花园,使有限的社区公共空间承担更多的 健康韧性功能,为未来可食景观在城市社区中的应用提供具有 指导意义的理论基础和实践方法,试图为实现健康中国的宏伟 目标提供可参考的社区发展途径。
关键词:  风景园林  社区  可食景观  传染性疾病防控  公共空间
Edible Landscape Construction for "Peacetime and Wartime Use" Community—Thinking Based on Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
HE Hui,ZHANG Tong,LI Tingting
The community is the space most closely related to people's daily life, and the landscape in the community carries the functions of residents' daily leisure and social communication. During the outbreak and prevention and control of infectious diseases, people's travel range and time are restricted, the community becomes the largest area where people can move, and the community landscape becomes the only green space that people can access. Its importance is self-evident. Edible landscape advocates the use of human edible plants in landscape design, which can not only deepen the in-depth integration of green space and people's lives, but also provide fresh, high-quality and safe food to realize the fusion of the beauty and edibility of landscape and nature, urban and rural areas. This article explores the creation of edible landscapes in three levels of public spaces outside the community, inside the community, and semi-outdoors at home, to build a community infectious disease prevention circle and a vegetable supply buffer chain, in order to become a "wartime" garden of life and a community garden at "normal time". Community gardens enable limited public spaces in communities to assume more health and resilience functions. The research has provided a guiding theoretical basis and practical methods for the future application of edible landscapes in urban communities, trying to provide the grand goal of a healthy China with community development approaches that can be referred to.
Key words:  landscape architecture  community  edible landscape  prevention and control of infectious diseases  public space

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