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上海与香港公园体育设施配置标准 比较研究
中国内地与香港公共开放空间游憩规划标准的最主 要差异在于游憩设施分类系统及其配置指标,内地《公园设计 规范》关于游憩设施分类标准相对较粗,只有人均公园陆地面 积、不同陆地面积的公园设施类型用地比例以及停车位3项定 量指标,这些指标主要是公园设施大类上的配置要求,缺少对 游憩设施类型及人均用地和类型指标等细致、具体的规定,未 对不同规模公园的游憩设施类型配置差异进行规定。现有指标 主要源自经验的总结,在公园游憩设施类型与居民游憩需求对 应关系上缺少具体、科学的配置方法,特别是针对特殊人群的 体育运动需求,而香港的公园设计标准在地域性、安全性等方 面更加详尽,增加了设计风格和针对特殊人群如残障人士的设 计要求。适应需求、分类设置、复合使用、已建公园和新建公 园区别对待等是对上海公园体育设施配置的主要启发。
关键词:  风景园林  城市公园  体育设施标准  比较  上海  香港
A Comparative Study on Sports Facilities Standardsof Parks Based on Shanghai and Hong Kong
WU Chengzhao,JIA Hu,WANG Tiefei,ZANG Ting
The main difference of recreation planning standards between urban public open space of China mainland and Hong Kong is that recreation facilities classification system and its configuration indicators, the standard of recreation facilities in park design code of the mainland is coarser, the only three quantitative indexes of recreation facilities: land area per capita park, the facilities land proportion of different park land scales and parking index, are mainly used to general categories of park facilities, lacking more detailed specific provision types of indicators such as recreation facilities types and land per capita indicators, and configuration difference of recreation facilities of different park scale is not provided. The Code lack scientific allocation method for the relationship between the types of recreational facilities in parks and the recreational needs of residents, and the existing indicators mainly come from the summary of experience. Especially for the sports needs of special groups, the park design standards in Hong Kong are more detailed in terms of localization and safety, which increase the design style and the design requirements of special groups such as the disabled. The study supplies the four main inspiration for Shanghai park sports facilities configuration: adapting to the needs, classified allocation, compound use, and different approaches for already built parks and newly built parks. Keywords: landscape architecture; city park; sports facilities standard; compare; Shanghai; Hong Kong
Key words:  landscape architecture  city park  sports facilities standard  compare  Shanghai  Hong Kong

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