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从“临时都市主义”到“日常都市主义”: 城市剩余空间社会性与公平性问题探析
作者简介:周 详 1987年生/男/河南安阳人/东南大学建筑学院景观学系副教授, 硕士生导师,至善青年学者/研究方向为景观遗产、景观感知与 数字景观(南京 210096)
在“流动”背景下,城市更新对剩余空间的社会性 与公平性要求不断提升。作为连接城市设计与日常生活的有效 途径,临时都市主义与日常都市主义在剩余空间的改造利用上 发挥着重要作用。其中,临时都市主义作为空间操作层面的更 新策略,关注剩余空间的社会存量问题,以及如何弹性适应剩 余空间的二次开发;日常都市主义作为价值研判层面的改造理 念,批判了基于抽象原则建立的专业技术指标,清晰指出剩余 空间的公平性目标。从临时都市主义到日常都市主义的理念转 换,体现了当代空间实践对于城市更新公平性的回应。以基于 临时都市主义与日常都市主义的剩余空间实践为研究对象, 分别从目标导向、参与方式、操作策略与实践成效4个层面进 行解析。并以美国旧金山、英国伦敦与日本京都的剩余空间实 践为例,将其划分为以社会价值为导向的临时实验、以日常生 活为基础的商业实践,以及经济利益为取经的项目开发3种类 型。提出以“临时”为起点、以“日常”为目标的剩余空间更 新是存量更新背景下践行人民城市重要理念的途径之一。
关键词:  风景园林  临时都市主义  日常都市主义  剩余空 间  空间正义  社会价值  经济价值
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目( 5 2 0 0 8 0 8 5 , 5 2 2 7 8 0 5 1 ) ; 中国高等教育学会科学研究规划课题 (23MY0403)
From Temporary Urbanism to Everyday Urbanism:Discussion on the Sociality and Equity of UrbanResidual Space
ZHOU Xiang,TANG Yuhang,XIE Yiming,LIU Yaxu
The current era of "flow" witnesses constant increasing requirements on social and fair requirements upon residual space during urban renewal. Temporary urbanism and everyday urbanism largely contribute to the transformation and utilization of residual space by reconnecting urban design with everyday life and social significance. The former one, considered as a spatial operational level renewal strategy, focuses on the social stock issue of residual space and the way to redevelopment tolerantly, while the latter one, a kind of value judgment level of transformation concept, criticizes technical indicators merely based on abstract principles and clearly identifies the equity settlement of residual space. The conceptual transformation from temporary urbanism to everyday urbanism reflects the response of contemporary spatial practice to the fairness of urban renewal. This article outlines the practice of temporary urbanism and everyday urbanism in residual space, making it the research object, and analyzes it from four aspects: goal orientation, experimenting methods, operational theories, and practical effectiveness. Introducing the examples of San Francisco (US), London (UK), and Kyoto (Japan), this article categorizes them into three types: socially-oriented temporary experiments, commerciallydriven practices based on everyday life, and project developments aiming at economic interests. It proposes that the renewal of the remaining space with "temporary" as the starting point and "daily" as the goal is one way to practice the important concept of people's city under the background of stock renewal.
Key words:  landscape architecture  temporary urbanism  everyday urbanism  residual space  space justice  social value  economic value

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