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基于生境网络构建优化的生物多样性保护 规划途径研究
作者简介:周 燕 1980年生/女/湖北咸宁人/武汉大学城市设计学院规划系副教 授,硕士生导师/研究方向为城乡生态规划、蓝绿基础设施、生 态系统服务(武汉 430072)
城市绿色空间是承载生物多样性的关键,以其为基 础构建生境网络有助于整合破碎绿地斑块,促进物种交流与迁 徙,为生物多样性保护提供基础。现有生境网络构建过程中存 在依赖单一模型、忽略区域实际物种情况、网络构建的工作路 径尚未统一、输出成果难以与上位规划衔接并在规划层面进行 实践应用等问题。在明确生物多样性保护规划工作内容与目标 的基础上,综合运用生境质量分析、地理探测器、最小累积阻 力模型等模型方法,识别区域生境源地和廊道,并在考虑区域 指示物种的基础上补充重要生境节点,构建面向生物多样性保 护的生境网络,系统优化了“源地识别-廊道模拟-节点提取- 网络构建”的网络构建方法;以对接国土空间规划下的绿地系 统专项规划为目标,将生境网络构建结果通过红线比对、绿地 分类匹配等途径,从空间管控角度提出保护措施,实现与绿地 系统规划的有效衔接,构建统一规范的生物多样性保护规划工 作路径,以通城县为例验证工作路径的可行性,优化面向生物 多样性保护的生境网络构建方法,为县域绿地系统规划与生物 多样性保护规划提供科学依据。
关键词:  风景园林  生物多样性  生境网络构建  生境质 量  绿地系统规划
Biodiversity Conservation Planning Based onHabitat Network Optimization
ZHOU Yan,LIU Mengyao,YU Jianing,LUO Qiaoling
Urban green space is the key to carrying biodiversity. The construction of habitat network based on urban green space helps to integrate fragmented green patches, promote species exchange and migration, and provide a basis for biodiversity protection. There are some problems in the construction process of the existing habitat network, such as dependence on a single model, neglect of the actual species in the region, lack of unity in the working path of network construction, and difficulty in connecting the output results with the upper planning and practical application in the planning level. This research in the working content and biodiversity conservation planning target, based on habitat quality analysis, geographic detector, minimum cumulative resistance model such as model method, identify regional source of habitats and corridor, and considering the range indicator species added important habitat nodes, build habitat for biodiversity conservation network. The network construction method of "source identification - corridor simulation - node extraction - network construction" was systematically optimized. Docking studies to national spatial planning of green space system under special planning as the goal, the habitat network builds results through comparing red and green space classification matching, and protection measures are proposed from the angle of space control, to realize the effective connection with the green space system planning, and build a unified, standardized work path of biodiversity conservation planning. This study took Tongcheng County as an example to verify the feasibility of the work path, optimize the construction method of habitat network for biodiversity protection, and provide a scientific basis for the planning of the county green space system and biodiversity protection.
Key words:  landscape architecture  biodiversity  habitat network construction  habitat quality  green space system planning

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