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城市公园的认知地图构建与实证 ——以南京市古林公园为例
以量化及可视化表达使用者与城市公园之间的某些 稳定联系为目的,运用认知地图法、语义差异评价分析法等方 法构建城市公园认知地图,以“四图”为呈现形式:一是针对 物质要素认知,运用认知地图法分别以“景点认知频次”绘 制“公共意象图”,以“景点认知准确度”绘制“标准差椭 圆分布图”,以“景点总体认知程度”绘制“物质要素认知 程度得分图”;二是针对非物质要素认知,依据SD问卷数据 绘制“非物质要素评价曲线图”。再以“物质要素认知得分 图”“非物质要素评价曲线图”“公共意象图”和“标准差椭 圆分布图”为主要依据,提出城市公园更新“关注区”的划分 方法及若干关注点,为城市公园市民文化、集体记忆培育与沉 淀提供具有学理性的空间认知与关注区域。
关键词:  风景园林  认知地图  城市公园  空间认知
Cognitive Map Construction and Demonstrationof Urban Parks: A Case Study of Gulin Park inNanjing
ZHOU Jiaxin,QIU Bing,ZHANG Fan
The research aims to quantitatively and visually express the stable connections between users and urban parks. This is achieved through the application of methods such as cognitive mapping and semantic differential analysis, leading to the construction of urban park cognitive maps. Presented in a "four-map" format, the approach encompasses the following aspects: First, concerning the cognitive understanding of material elements, cognitive mapping is employed to generate a "public image map" based on "spot recognition frequency", a "standard deviation ellipse distribution map" based on "spot recognition accuracy", and a "material element cognitive score map" based on "overall spot recognition level". Second, addressing non-material element cognition, an "evaluation curve of non-material elements" is constructed using SD questionnaire data. Further based on the "material element cognitive score map", "evaluation curve of non-material elements", "public image map", and "standard deviation ellipse distribution map", the study proposes a method for delineating "attention zones" and identifies several focal points for urban park renovation. This framework provides a theoretical basis for the cultivation and preservation of civic culture and collective memory in urban parks by offering a scholarly approach to spatial cognition and areas of focus.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cognitive map  urban park  spatial cognition

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