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人为活动所带来的全球变化被普遍认为是物种灭绝、 栖息地丧失和气候变化的根本原因,再野化被认为是解决这类 问题的一个可能的方法而得到广泛研究与关注。然而,再野化 在城市环境中的时空梯度关系及其内部的自我演化关系尚不明 确。以南昌市为研究区,以东西向沿城乡梯度选择8处样地, 通过无人机航测和现场实测获取数据,并通过ArcGIS 10.5 及SPSS 26对获取数据进行空间及统计分析,结果表明:1)再 野化存在显著的城乡空间梯度关系,但时间梯度关系不明显; 2)不同立地条件及场地内外环境对植被再野化演进特征有显著 影响;3)南昌市再野化的先锋树种主要是落叶树种构树和白花 泡桐,乔木的恢复与场地内矗立物的分布有密切关系,其生态 占位与其传播途径及生态特性相关。
关键词:  风景园林  再野化  城市废弃地  时空梯度  南昌市
Study on the Spatiotemporal Characteristics ofUrban Wasteland Rewilding in Nanchang
LIU Qing,YANG Pinghe,ZHANG Haotian,GU Xinren,LIU Yuanqiu
Global change caused by human activities is generally considered to be the fundamental cause of species extinction, habitat loss and climate change. Rewilding is considered as a possible method to solve this kind of problems and has been widely concerned and studied. However, the spatiotemporal gradient relationship of rewilding in urban environment and its internal selfevolution relationship are not clear. This study takes Nanchang City as the research area, selects 8 sample plots along the urbanrural gradient in the east-west direction, obtains data through UAV aerial survey and field measurement, and conducts spatial and statistical analysis of acquired data through ArcGIS 10.5 and SPSS 26. The results show that: 1) There is a significant urbanrural spatial gradient relationship in rewilding, but the temporal gradient relationship is not obvious; 2) Different site conditions and the environment inside and outside the site have a significant impact on the evolution characteristics of vegetation rewilding; 3) The leading tree species for rewilding in Nanchang are mainly deciduous tree species Broussonetia papyrifera and Paulownia fortunei . The restoration of trees is closely related to the distribution of standing objects in the site. Its ecological occupation is related to its transmission route and ecological characteristics.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rewilding  urban wasteland  spatiotemporal gradient  Nanchang City

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