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中国古代“三山空间”的营建理法 研究——以福州为例
中国古代营建理法体现了独特的文化脉络和人文智 慧,数象与形象的结合形成了数形空间的文化概念。其中,数 形和山川之于古代城市的营建理法体现了多尺度的空间考量。 聚焦数中的三、形中的山,从“三山空间”这一独特的山城营 建理法视角入手,分析其营建理法的历史缘起与空间内涵。从 秩序归纳与传说演绎结合的三山空间的营建缘起,到不同空间 尺度范围的营建理法体现:景观尺度下的象征图景营建、城市 尺度下的界面图景营建、环境尺度下的形势图景营建。并以典 型城市福州的“三山两塔”为实例,结合地域空间营建特征, 挖掘其历史营建内涵和特征,探寻其三山定城的形态演替和三 山两塔的图景演替,并挖掘梳理出面向三山空间的标于户外、 峙于域中、浮屠以镇空间营建理法。以史为鉴,以期为当代面 向城市更新视角下的历史图景保护与传承提供“中国营建智 慧”的借鉴。
关键词:  风景园林  三山空间  文化溯源  营建理法  福州
The Construction Principle of "Three-mountain Space" in Ancient Chinese Cities: A Case Study of Fuzhou
ZHAO Liang,CHEN Peichen,ZHOU Chao,ZHOU Yi
Chinese construction principle has unique cultural context and humanistic wisdom. The combination of numeral and morphological image leads to the "number-shape space". Amid that, number and form characteristics of mountains behind the principle of building in ancient city reflect spatial thought on different scales. In this paper, "three" in number and "mountain" in form are focused, which result in a typical cultural example named "threemountain space". How it was formed and what it is are discussed. "Three-mountain space" has two origins, which are induction of social order and deduction of traditional myth. It has various characteristics on different scales, from scale of scenery to scale of city and to scale of surrounding. Taking "three mountains and two towers" in Fuzhou, China as an example on the scale of city, combined with historical local characteristics and connotation of construction principles thereof, the form and picture succession of three mountains in Fuzhou are figured out. The principles of "threemountain space" are revealed as aligning outside, standing inside and towering upon. From the perspective of urban renewal and to protect and inherit the historical picture, learning from the history can help to provide "China's construction wisdom"
Key words:  landscape architecture  three-mountain space  culture traceability  principle of construction  Fuzhou

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