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基于物理环境模拟优化的多尺度城市 设计方法探索——以钱塘江滨水区为例
在国土空间治理背景下,解决城乡发展不协调、生 态系统不健康等问题,实现健康可持续的城市物理环境,已成 为城市发展的核心议题。风环境、热环境、声环境的数据综合 分析及城市物理环境与空间形态的耦合优化研究,为城市空 间品质提升提供了技术方法支撑。从城市物理环境量化模拟入 手,结合多尺度城市设计整体性实践,构建物理环境现状模 拟-耦合优化-设计提升的方法框架,并通过钱塘江滨水区的 实证研究,探索了城市设计过程中基于城市物理环境模拟优化 的城市空间形态布局及多尺度优化策略,以期将精细化的城市 设计思维融入空间规划全过程。
关键词:  风景园林  物理环境  生态设计技术  城市设计
Exploration of Multi-scale Urban Design Method Based on Physical Environment Simulation and Optimization—Taking Qiantang River Waterfront as an Example
ZHU Xiao,YANG Junyan,SHI Xing,MIN Hequn
In the context of land and space governance in the new era of ecological civilization, solving the problems of uncoordinated urban and rural development and unhealthy ecosystem, and creating a high-quality urban physical environment has become an important theme of urban development. The comprehensive analysis of the data of wind environment, thermal environment and acoustic environment and the coupling optimization of urban physical environment and spatial form have become one of the keys to the improvement of urban quality. Starting with the quantitative simulation of multi-scale urban physical environment, combined with the integrated practice of multi-scale urban design, this paper constructs a methodological framework of physical environment status simulation coupling optimization design improvement, and through the empirical exploration of Qiantang River waterfront, explores the urban spatial form layout and multi-scale optimization strategy based on the simulation and optimization of urban physical environment in the process of urban design, in order to integrate the refined and digital urban design thinking into the spatial planning process.
Key words:  landscape architecture  physical environment  ecological design technology  urban design

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