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基于视觉分析的钱塘观潮景观遗产点 真实性研究
钱塘观潮是区域自然地理与人文历史相互作用形成 的景观现象,具有重要的文化景观遗产价值,其申遗进程也 在不断推进中,因此遗产真实性讨论对其申遗有重要的支持作 用。以钱塘江沿线现存的8个历史观潮点为研究对象,对其观 潮历史进行概括梳理。在此基础上,应用ArcGIS视域分析的 方法,还原历史观潮点的观潮视线,验证其观潮可能性。结合 现场观测总结各历史观潮点的视觉特征,并探讨古今视觉变化 的原因,以期为现代观潮景观的营建提供参考。通过科学量化 的视觉分析,讨论钱塘观潮景观核心遗产点遗产价值的真实 性,为钱塘文化景观遗产真实性提供更为科学的研究支撑,从 而推进钱塘文化景观的申遗与保护工作。
关键词:  风景园林  钱塘观潮景观  遗产点真实性  视域分 析  视觉特征  遗产保护
Study on the Authenticity of Qiantang Tide-viewing Landscape Heritage Sites Based on Visual Analysis
JIN Zhuofei,BAO Qinxing
Qiantang tide-viewing is a landscape phenomenon formed by the interaction of regional natural geography and human history. It has important cultural landscape heritage value, and its World Heritage application process is also advancing. Therefore, the discussion of heritage authenticity plays an important supporting role in its World Heritage application. This study takes the existing 8 historical tidal observation points along Qiantang River as the research object to summarize and sort out their tidal observation history. On this basis, the method of ArcGIS horizon analysis is applied to restore the tide-viewing line of historical tide-viewing points and verify its tide-viewing possibility. Combined with the field observation, this paper summarizes the visual characteristics of various historical tide-viewing points, and discusses the reasons for the ancient and modern visual changes, in order to provide reference for the construction of modern tide-viewing landscape. Through scientific and quantitative visual analysis, this paper discusses the authenticity of the heritage value of the core heritage point of Qiantang tide-viewing landscape, so as to provide more scientific research support for the authenticity of Qiantang cultural landscape heritage, so as to promote the application and protection of Qiantang cultural landscape.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Qiantang tide-viewing landscape  authenticity of heritage site  horizon analysis  visual feature  heritage protection

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