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中国自然保护地温室气体排放核算 框架构建研究
自然保护地既是重要的碳汇,也有可能成为排放 源,核算温室气体排放量是增强自然保护地减排增汇能力的关 键,具有重要意义,中国尚无相关研究与实践。系统回顾、总 结了国内外温室气体清单编制方法、国际自然保护地温室气体 核算方法的经验。在此基础上,建构了中国自然保护地温室气 体排放核算框架:首先,提出了衔接国家标准、对标国际惯 例,自下而上为主、兼顾自上而下,突出关键类型、强调自 身特点3条核算原则;其次,从核算气体、核算边界、关键类 别、排放水平、排放因子5个方面进行了详细阐述;最后,总 结了核算方法,并建立了包括前期准备、数据调研、具体核算 3个阶段共7个步骤的核算流程。开创性地提出了中国自然保 护地温室气体排放核算框架,能够帮助提升自然保护地减排增 汇、应对气候变化的能力,助力碳达峰碳中和,对相关研究与 实践具有借鉴和指导意义。
关键词:  风景园林  国家公园  自然保护地  排放清单  低 碳  零碳  联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会
A Study on Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting Framework for Protected Areas in China
ZHONG Le,YANG Shenglan,XU Huan,TANG Jiale,HE Jia
Protected areas are both vital carbon sinks and potential sources of emissions. Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions is the key to enhancing the capacity of protected areas to increase sinks and reduce emissions. It is of great significance, and there has yet to be any relevant research and practice in China. This paper systematically reviews and summarizes the experience of domestic and international greenhouse gas inventory methods and international greenhouse gas accounting methods for protected areas. On this basis, this paper constructs a framework for accounting GHG emissions from protected areas in China: three accounting principles are proposed, namely, connecting national standards and benchmarking with international practices, bottom-up focus, and top-down balance, highlighting key types and emphasizing their own characteristics; five key aspects are elaborated: accounting gases, accounting boundaries, key categories, emission levels, and emission factors; the accounting method is summarized. The study also establishes a seven-step accounting process that includes three stages: preliminary preparation, data research, and specific accounting. The study presents a pioneering framework for accounting of greenhouse gas emissions from protected areas in China, which can help enhance the ability of protected areas to increase carbon sinks and reduce carbon emissions, address climate change, and help achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and is of reference and guidance significance to relevant research and practice
Key words:  landscape architecture  national park  protected area  emissions inventory  low carbon  zero carbon  IPCC

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