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校园绿地听嗅交互感知对大学生压力 恢复的影响研究
大学校园绿地环境作为学生接触时间最长的自然环 境,具有缓解大学生心理压力的作用。听觉、嗅觉作为人体接 触自然的重要媒介,其交互影响研究较少。为探究校园声环境 与芳香植物对大学生压力恢复的影响,设计并开展了相关的科 学实验研究。实验过程如下:被试者(N=80)被随机分配到4个 小组:1)声音组;2)气味组;3)交互组;4)对照组,分别进 行压力恢复实验(共18min),通过Emotiv Epoc X便携 式脑电仪、Omron血压仪及简明心境量表(POMS)分析不 同组的压力恢复情况。结果表明:1)声音组中,自然声组的 压力恢复效益最佳;交互组中,自然声-栀子组的压力恢复效 益最佳;2)交互刺激比单一听觉刺激的压力恢复效果更佳; 3)声音与气味之间存在协同和掩蔽作用。在未来校园绿地规划 中,应考虑听觉与嗅觉共同作用的健康效益。
关键词:  风景园林  声音  气味  听嗅交互  压力恢复
A Study on the Influence of Campus Green Space Auditory and Olfactory Interactive Perception on Stress Recovery of College Students
CUI Xue,JIN Hexian,ZENG Chengcheng
As the natural environment for students to contact for the longest time, the green space environment of university campus can alleviate the psychological pressure of university students. The interaction effects of hearing and smell, important mediators of human contact with nature, have been less studied. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of campus acoustic environment and aromatic plants on stress recovery among university students. Subjects (N=80) were randomly divided into 4 groups: 1) the sound group, 2) the odor group, 3) the combined sound and odor group, and 4) the control group, and the stress recovery experiment was conducted separately (18 min in total). The stress recovery of different groups was analyzed by Emotiv Epoc X portable EEG, Omron sphygmomanometer and POMS scale. The results showed that: 1) Among the sound groups, natural sound had the best stress recovery benefit; among the interaction groups, natural sound with Gardenia jasminoides had the best stress recovery benefit; 2) The interaction stimuli had better stress recovery effect than single auditory stimuli; 3) There were synergistic and masking effects between sound and odor. In the future campus green space planning, the health benefits of auditory and olfactory co-action should be taken into account in the design.
Key words:  landscape architecture  sound  smell  auditory-olfactory interaction  stress recovery

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