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基于乳鱼亭尺寸框格分析的苏州艺圃 植物造景理法演变
既有研究多聚焦建筑、池山、空间分析,未能深入 阐释艺圃植景理法。基于景观设计学视角,以晚明至今未变尺 寸的乳鱼亭为基准制作其进深面阔3.98m×3.98m框格,分 析艺圃明末、清初、近代、当代植景理法演变,揭示出隐含中 的1:1、1:5、1:2.5、1:7.5、框格对角线列植、假山植景四 层次的配置规律。研究发现,该框格不仅适用于发掘平面图植 景布局特征,也能完好地诠释假山剖面图植景的层次理法,且 能证实明清造园匠师配置植物时确实存在基于某一景观要素的 尺寸进行植物配比的做法。研究中获得的艺圃传统植栽数值配 比,可为其植景管理提供参考依据,也可为中国传统造园理法 在当代景观设计中的活化传承提供有章法可循的操作手段。
关键词:  风景园林  苏州艺圃  植物配置  造景理法  乳鱼 亭尺寸  框格分析
The Evolution of the Plant Landscape DesignPrinciples in Suzhou Yipu Garden Based on theFrame Analysis of the Size of Ruyuting Pavilion
YUN Jiayan,CHEN Zhiyu
The existing Yipu Garden studies focused on architecture, pond, rocks, and space analysis, but failed to explain in depth the principles of plant landscaping. Based on the perspective of landscape architecture, the frame of 3.98m × 3.98m in depth and width is made on the basis of Ruyuting Pavilion, which has not changed its size from the late Ming to the present. It reveals the 1:1, 1:5, 1:2.5, 1:7.5, diagonal line planting, and the arrangement of 4-level rockery plant landscape implicit in the Ming and Qing Yipu Garden planting principles. The study found that the frame is not only suitable for discovering the pattern of planting landscape layout in plan, but also can fully interpret the hierarchical method of rockery profile planting, confirming that the Ming and Qing gardeners would indeed base the plant layout on the size of a certain landscape element. The numerical ratio of traditional planting in Yipu Garden obtained in the study can provide a reference basis for its planting management, and also provide a rule-based operation method for the activation and inheritance of traditional Chinese garden plan principles in contemporary landscape design.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Suzhou Yipu Garden  plant design  design theory  size of Ruyuting Pavilion  frame analysis

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