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基于空间基因的村镇聚落空间谱系构建 研究
村镇聚落空间形态具有显著的地域分异性,表现出 明显的群系特征。综合多学科视角构建基于空间基因的村镇聚 落空间谱系,一是精准刻画村镇聚落空间形态的地域特征类 型,二是准确判读村镇聚落类型的内在关联,进而从群体关联 的视角科学认知村镇聚落空间形态类型的差异性和相似性规 律。以重庆永川地区为例,对村镇聚落的多尺度空间形态特征 进行数字化解析,在此基础之上,采用聚类方法,对村镇聚落 空间形态进行类型划分,将永川村镇聚落分为5种类型;运用 形态类型学等方法识别提取村镇聚落空间基因,并采用信息编 码的方式,以空间基因序列信息为索引,构建村镇聚落空间谱 系,为全面解析村镇聚落形态类型特征的共性和差异性规律提 供一种新的思路,从而为村镇聚落的特色保护和风貌管控提供 借鉴。
关键词:  风景园林  村镇聚落  空间基因  多尺度  空间谱 系  重庆永川
Construction of Spatial Pedigree of RuralSettlements Based on Space Gene
CHEN Daijun,YANG Junyan,SHI Yi
The spatial morphology of rural settlements has significant regional differentiation and similarity, and shows obvious group characteristics. It needs to construct a multi-scale spatial pedigree of rural settlement morphology based on space gene from a multidisciplinary perspective. The first is to accurately describe the local characteristics of rural spatial morphology. The second is to accurately interpret the internal correlation of the types of rural settlements, and then scientifically recognize the internal differences and similarity laws of the morphology types of rural settlements from the perspective of group correlation. Taking Yongchuan area of Chongqing as an example, the multi-scale spatial morphological characteristics of rural settlements are digitally analyzed. On this basis, the spatial morphology of rural settlements is divided into five types by using clustering method; the space genes of rural settlements is identified and extracted by using morphological typology. By using the way of information coding and taking the space gene sequence information as the index, this paper constructs the spatial pedigree of rural settlements, and provides a new idea for comprehensively analyzing the commonness and difference laws of the characteristics of rural settlement types, to provide reference for the planning of rural settlements.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural settlement  space gene  multi-scale  spatial pedigree  Chongqing Yongchuan

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