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基于植被三维点云数据的小型景观空间 微气候分析方法探究——以东南大学梅庵 为例
在“碳中和”背景下,微气候研究愈发引起学界关 注。过往研究表明,植被是影响景观空间微气候的重要因素之 一,但在以往微气候研究及模拟过程中,植被要素因其自身形 态的复杂性往往无法被精准量化,造成现状植被与模拟软件中 的植被形态存在偏差,导致最终计算结果的准确性有所降低。 故在既有研究的基础上,可以通过提升植被建模的真实性及准 确性,即利用现状植被三维点云模型辅助在Envi-met软件中 精确建模,以提高景观微气候模拟研究结果的精准度。选取东 南大学梅庵周边景观空间为研究对象,对上述分析方法予以运 用,在验证分析方法可行性的同时,以实测数据为参照,综合 比较点云植被模型与Envi-met自带植被模型在计算结果间的 差异性。研究结果表明,基于植被点云模型的模拟结果与实测 数据更为接近,尤其体现在风速测算上。该方法也可为后续微 气候模拟分析研究提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  植被  三维点云数据  微气候分析  Envi-met模拟
Preliminary Study on Microclimate Analysis Methodsof Small Landscape Spaces Based on ThreedimensionalVegetation Point Cloud Data—TakingMei'an of Southeast University as an Example
CHENG Shi,LI Xiangyu,ZHANG Xiaohan,WANG Ruijun
Under the background of "carbon neutrality", the research on microclimate has increasingly attracted academic attention. Previous studies have demonstrated that vegetation is one of the important factors affecting the microclimate of landscape spaces. However, in the previous microclimate research and simulation, vegetation elements could not be accurately quantified due to the complexity of their own morphology, resulting in the deviation between the current vegetation and the vegetation morphology in simulation software, as well as the reduction in the accuracy of the final calculation results. Based on the existing research results, this paper proposed to use the voxelized three-dimensional point cloud model of current vegetation to replace the built-in vegetation model in Envi-met through improving the authenticity and accuracy of vegetation modeling, so as to improve the accuracy of landscape microclimate simulation results. In addition, with the landscape space around Mei'an of Southeast University as an example, the above analysis methods were applied. While verifying the feasibility of the analysis methods, the differences in the calculation results between the vegetation point cloud model and Envi-met built-in vegetation model were comprehensively compared with the measured data. It was found that the simulation results based on the vegetation point cloud model were closer to the measured data, especially in the measurement of wind speed. This paper can provide a method reference for the following microclimate simulation and analysis.
Key words:  landscape architecture  vegetation  three-dimensional point cloud data  microclimate analysis  Envi-met stimulation

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