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基于产业类型的粤西硇洲岛海岛聚落 景观研究
硇洲岛作为中国第一大火山岛,是中国南海生态景 观和传统文化景观保留较好的岛屿。岛内传统聚落数量众多, 对其进行保护和研究对可持续性岛屿景观规划具有重要意义。 运用风景园林学、人文地理学、海洋地理学等多学科交叉的 方法,通过田野调查和GIS对硇洲岛101个聚落进行落点,结 合传统时期聚落的产业属性,分析海岛产业的开发时序。选取 “滨海距离”“火山地质地貌”“岛屿土壤类型”“地下水资 源”“岛礁空间分布”为敏感因子。探讨主要因子对聚落空间 分布的机制,总结归纳出海岛聚落的景观格局特征。试图通过 对硇洲岛传统聚落景观的分析,解析海岛先民是如何适应海岛 恶劣的自然地理环境,发展适宜的海岛产业景观,并建立较为 宜居的人居环境。
关键词:  风景园林  硇洲岛  海岛聚落  产业类型  聚落景 观格局
Research on the Island Settlement Landscape ofNaozhou Island in Western Guangdong Based onIndustry Type
PAN Ying,HAN Jiami,SHI Ying,BAI Rui
As the largest volcanic island in China, the ecological landscapes and traditional cultural landscapes of Naozhou Island is well-preserved. The marine culture is continued by a large number of traditional settlements, and it is of great significance to protect and study these traditional settlements. This paper combines the disciplines of landscape architecture, human geography, and marine geography. Based on the field investigation, GIS, the placement of 101 settlements was carried out, combined with the industrial attributes of Naozhou Island settlements, and the development sequence of the island industry was analyzed. And "distance from the sea", "volcanic geology and landform", "island soil types", "groundwater resources", and "spatial distribution of island reefs" are selected as the sensitivity factors to discuss the formation mechanism of settlements and summarize the characteristics of the landscape pattern of island settlements. By carrying out the research on the traditional settlement landscape of Naozhou Island, how the island's ancestors adapted to the island's harsh natural and geographical environment is explored, aiming to develop a suitable island industrial landscape and establish a more livable environment.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Naozhou Island  island settlement  industry type  settlement landscape pattern

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