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湿地生态修复与城市空间设计协同研究 ——重庆市梁平双桂城区湿地城市设计
在国家加快生态文明体制改革,建设美丽中国的战 略方针指导下,减少快速城市化引发的过度人工干预对自然生 态系统造成的破坏,延续城市现状资源本底的生命力,从而体 现城市湿地的“生态价值”是大势所趋。结合重庆市梁平双桂 城区湿地城市设计项目实践,提出全域治水,湿地润城,构建 城市湿地连绵体的理念。辅以小微湿地自然保育、景观更新的 系统化湿地修复策略,与城市空间设计策略相结合,提出了湿 地修复与城市空间设计协同的路径,包括城市用地空间与湿地 生态基底耦合、城市慢行系统与湿地生态网络耦合、公共空间 节点与湿地生态斑块耦合;并进行了湿地城市实施效益的初步 评估。以期通过促进城市与湿地的协同共生,实现城市生态系 统的良性循环和可持续发展。
关键词:  风景园林  生态  湿地  城市设计  协同
Collaborative Study on Wetland EcologicalRestoration and Urban Space Design—Taking theWetland Urban Design of Chongqing LiangpingShuanggui District as an Example
YANG Lili,LI Yuanjie,YUAN Xingzhong,WANG Huai
This paper derives from the practice of the urban design project of wetland conservation in Shuanggui District, Liangping County, Chongqing Municipality. The implementation plan for National Ecological Civilization vows to bring about a new pattern of harmonious coexistence of human and nature in China's modernization. Simultaneously, the China government is writing a chapter of urban areas for building the Beautiful China. This research put forward the comprehensive treatment of urban sewage, the method to protect and utilize urban wetlands, as well as the construction of a continuous urban wetland system. In combination with the strategies of micro wetland ecosystem and wetland restoration, this paper formulated the collaborative innovation path between ecological utilization of wetland and necessary construction of cities. In particularly, these design and practice evolved following strategies, urban land space coupling with ecological wetland basement, mass traffic systems for walkability coupling with ecological wetland system, and public spaces coupling with wetland patches. Ultimately, the study evaluated the effects of implementation which realized the goals of integrated method for environmental conservation and urban sustainable development.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecology  wetland  urban design  collaboration

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