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基于GPS数据的民族村寨景观空间 游客选择偏好研究——以四川桃坪羌寨 为例
近年来,民族村寨以其鲜明的建筑、文化与艺术特 征吸引了大量游客前往游赏和体验。分析游客在民族村寨的空 间选择偏好,了解其行为规律及特征,有利于科学地规划和管 理民族村寨的自然和人文资源,保护传统景观文化价值,促进 当地旅游发展。以能够提供较高精度空间定位信息的GPS数据 作为基础数据,利用离散选择模型分析了游客在桃坪羌寨游览 时的空间选择偏好与传统建筑风貌、民俗宗教文化、场地空间 类型、空间可达程度(穿越、直达、高差)及空间可视程度等景 观空间特征之间的关系。研究发现,游客偏好于选择具有羌族 民俗文化特色、易于到达且游览线路明确的空间;景观可视度 对游客选择偏好影响程度不高,这与桃坪羌寨的建筑布局、街 巷结构和景观特征密切相关。基于对游客村寨空间选择偏好的 认知,提出了民族村寨空间与居民生活一体化保护、标识系统 和解说设计提升,以及游线设计立体多元化等规划策略。
关键词:  风景园林  民族村寨  游客空间行为  离散选择模 型  GPS数据
Research on Preferences of Tourists in EthnicVillage Landscape Space Based on GPS Data—Taking Sichuan Taoping Qiang Village as anExample
ZHANG Lin,A Linna
In recent years, ethnic villages have attracted a large number of tourists to visit and experience with their unique architectural, cultural and artistic characteristics. By analyzing the spatial selection preferences of ethnic village visitors, their behavioral patterns and characteristics can be understood, which is conducive to the scientific planning and management of natural and cultural resources of ethnic villages, the protection of traditional landscape and cultural values, and ultimately the development of local tourism. In this study, GPS data, which can provide high-precision positioning information, is used as the base data and the discrete choice model is adopted. This paper analyzes the relationship between tourists' spatial selection preferences and landscape spatial characteristics, such as traditional architectural style, folk religious culture, site space type, space accessibility and space visibility. It is found that tourists prefer spaces that can show the characteristics of Qiang folk culture. Attractions that are easy to reach and have clear tour routes are also preferred. The influence of landscape visibility on tourists' behavioral preferences is not high. This is closely related to the architectural layout, street structure and landscape features of Taoping Qiang Village itself. Based on the perception of tourists' spatial behavior preference, the following strategies are proposed in this paper: co-protecting the space of ethnic villages and the lives of ethnic residents, improving the signage and interpretation system, and designing more three-dimensional and diverse tourist routes.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ethnic village  tourist spatial behavior  discrete choice model  GPS data

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