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基于三维点云的江南私家园林叠山皴法的 识别与分析研究——以苏州四大名园为例
:皴法作为中国山水画及叠山所独有的技巧,同时也 是连接山水画与叠山的桥梁,具有重要的研究意义。然而传统 的绘画与拍照等记录方式均不能很好地适配叠山皴法,点云能 够不受光影效果及透视关系的影响,对假山表面的物理信息进 行识别与记录。因此使用三维点云的记录方式,对苏州四大名 园进行叠山皴法的扫描与识别分析研究,提供了一种较为科学 的叠山皴法研究与记录方式。最终发现狮子林能够识别的叠山 皴法仅为3种,并且其皴法均以曲线型为主,过度强调石头本 身,而使整体假山丢失山意。拙政园与沧浪亭均能识别出4种 皴法,以直线型为主,并能配合周边环境,营造出较好的园林 意境。留园是四大名园中识别出皴法种类最多的园林,共计5 种,并且与建筑、植物、水体相互配合,营造出了四大名园中 山意最好的假山。
关键词:  风景园林  叠山  皴法  山水画  点云  苏州四 大名园
Recognition and Analysis of Cunfa in Jiangnan Private Gardens Based on Three-dimensional Point Cloud—Taking Four Famous Classical Gardens in Suzhou as Examples
DONG Qianli,ZHANG Qingping
As a unique technique of Chinese landscape painting and stacking mountains, cunfa (wrinkle brushstroke) is also a bridge connecting landscape painting and rockeries, which has important research significance. However, traditional recording methods such as painting and photographing are not well adapted to the method of rockeries. The point cloud is capable of not being affected by the effects of light and shadow and the perspective relationship, and can identify and record the physical information on the surface of the rockeries. Therefore, this study uses the three-dimensional point cloud recording method to scan and identify and analyze the four famous classical gardens in Suzhou, and provides a more scientific method of research and recording. In the end, it was discovered that the Lion Forest Garden can identify only three types of cunfa, and all of them are mainly curved, which overemphasizes the stone itself, making the whole rockery lose the meaning of the mountain. Humble Administrator's Garden and Pavilion of Surging Waves can recognize four types of cunfa, mainly linear, and can cooperate with the surrounding environment to create a better garden artistic conception. The Lingering Garden is one of the four famous gardens with the largest number of types of cunfa identified. There are 5 types in total, and they cooperate with buildings, plants, and water bodies to create the best rockeries among the four famous gardens.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rockery  cunfa (wrinkle brushstroke)  Chinese landscape painting  point cloud  four famous classical gardens in Suzhou

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