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公众参与下新西兰奥克兰植物园建设 经验及启示
公众参与是现代城市公园规划建设的一项重要议 题。新西兰植物园建设管理成果显著,产生了良好的社会价 值,对城市公共生活和生态环境发挥了重要的作用,这得益于 新西兰围绕“植物园之友”展开的全面、系统的公众参与机 制。以新西兰奥克兰植物园为例,阐述其依据公众调查信息完 善规划与建设的措施与做法,剖析“植物园之友”制度下植物 园公众参与的管理体系、公众活动组织和运营养护的方法,总 结公众参与下新西兰植物园的建设经验。针对中国植物园发展 中面临的问题,从提高公众参与度、培育社区合作组织、构建 公众参与体系三方面探讨了中国植物园如何建立广泛、有效的 公共参与机制,实现植物园的多元化服务效益和文化潜能,推 进我国公园城市的建设与发展。
关键词:  风景园林  公众参与  公园更新  维护管理  植 物园
Construction Experience and Enlightenment of Auckland Botanic Garden in New Zealand under Public Participation
ZHAO Jianhua,LI Xiaoqi,XING Jun,CAI Jianting
Public participation is an important issue in the planning and construction of modern urban parks. The construction and management of the New Zealand botanic gardens has achieved remarkable results, produced good social value, and played an important role in urban public life and ecological environment. This benefited from the comprehensive and systematic public participation mechanism developed by New Zealand around the "Friends of the Botanic Garden". Taking the Auckland Botanic Garden in New Zealand as an example, the paper explained its measures and practices to improve planning and construction based on public survey information, and analyzed the management system of public participation in the botanic garden under the "Friends of the Botanic Garden" system, public activity organization, and the methods of transportation and nutrition. Experience in the construction of New Zealand Botanic Gardens. In response to the problems faced in the development of botanic gardens in China, it discussed how to establish a wide-ranging and effective public participation mechanism from three aspects: increasing public participation, cultivating community cooperative organizations, and building a public participation system. Diversified service benefits and cultural potential will promote the construction and development of Park City.
Key words:  landscape architecture  public participation  park renewal  maintenance and management  botanic garden

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