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基于景观多样性的北京市域森林质量 综合评价
森林景观多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,是 综合评价社会经济发展和生态环境损益的前沿和热点,森林景 观承载了社会文化、生产、生态等多种生态系统服务功能。采 用层次分析法,以北京市森林遥感图像和实地调查数据为基 础,选取与景观多样性相关的指标,构建城市森林质量综合评 价指标体系,评价森林综合质量,分析北京森林景观现状及问 题。结果表明:近年来,森林景观规模增加促进了北京市三生 空间的融合,加快了森林生态资产的正向增长。北京市森林景 观保护与修复工作已从增加规模阶段转变为提升综合质量阶 段,中幼林和成、过熟林是未来改造提升的重点。持续实施碳 汇造林、营林工程,提升森林景观多样性,是森林保护、修复 与管理工作的重点。
关键词:  风景园林  森林景观多样性  生态系统服务  北京
Comprehensive Evaluation of Forest Quality in Beijing Based on Landscape Diversity
LIU Haixuan,LI Feng,MA Yuan,ZHANG Yibin,JIA Jujie
Forest landscape diversity is an important part of biodiversity, which is also the frontier and hotspot of comprehensive evaluation of social and economic development and ecological environment profit and loss. Forest landscape carries a variety of ecosystem service functions such as social and cultural function, production function and ecological function. Based on the forest remote sensing images and survey data of Beijing forests, the indicators related to ecological function were selected and the comprehensive quality evaluation index system of forest ecosystem in Beijing was constructed through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Then, the comprehensive qualities of the forests were evaluated, and the problems of forest landscape were analyzed in Beijing. The results showed that, in recent years, the increase of forest landscape scale has promoted the integration of livingproduction-ecological space and accelerated the positive growth of forest ecological assets in Beijing. The protection and restoration of forest landscape in Beijing has changed from the stage of increasing the scale to the stage of improving the comprehensive quality. Continuous implementation of carbon sequestration afforestation and forest management projects to enhance the diversity of forest landscape is the focus of forest protection, restoration and management.
Key words:  landscape architecture  forest landscape diversity  ecosystem service  Beijing

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