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大运河山东段水利系统与沿运聚落 景观体系特征研究——以德州、聊城段 为例
大运河山东段是运河的中枢河段,其中德州、聊城 段地处黄河以北,为著名闸河,解决了运河通航的关键技术 问题,也承担漕粮仓储、盐运等重要职能。以水利景观的复 合属性为切入点,选取大运河德州、聊城段为研究区段,从 水利系统和聚落景观体系两方面探讨其主要特征。首先从运 河水系、阻滞单元、调控单元和传输单元四方面研究水利系 统构成与运行机制,梳理了以弯代闸、龙形水势的德州段与 闸河聊城段的水利景观特征;再从聚落类型、城水关系、支 撑体系、空间格局与园林景观五方面探讨水利建设影响下的 聚落景观体系特征,从而挖掘运河水利景观的组成、特征、 运行机制与风景营建智慧,为运河文脉传承、风景保护与再 创造提供一定理论基础。 关 键 词:风景园林;大运
关键词:  风景园林  大运河山东段  水利系统  运河聚落  景观特征
Study on the Characteristics of Water Conservancy System and Landscape System of Settlements along the Canal in the Shandong Section of the Grand Canal—Taking Dezhou and Liaocheng Sections as Examples
The Shandong section of the Grand Canal is the central section of the canal. Dezhou and Liaocheng sections are located in the north of the Yellow River, which are the famous gated river, solved the key technical problems of the navigation of the canal and also undertook important functions such as water and grain storage and salt transportation. Taking the compound attributes of water conservancy landscape as the starting point, and with Dezhou and Liaocheng sections of the Grand Canal as the research object, the paper discussed its main characteristics from two aspects: water conservancy system and settlement landscape system. Firstly, this study discussed the composition and operating mechanism of the water conservancy system from four parts: the canal water system, the blocking unit, the control unit and the transmission unit, and the characteristics of the water conservancy landscape of the sections were sorted out, namely the dragon-shaped water system of Dezhou section and the Liaocheng section with many sluice gates. Then it analyzed the characteristics of the settlement landscape under the influence of water conservancy construction from five aspects: settlement type, city-water relationship, support system, spatial pattern and garden landscape, so as to explore the composition, characteristics, operation mechanism and landscape construction wisdom of the canal water conservancy landscape, in order to provide a certain theoretical basis for the inheritance of the canal's cultural heritage, landscape protection and recreation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Shandong section of the Grand Canal  water conservancy system  canal settlement  landscape feature

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