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导民善法,实业良伴——清末社会变革 前夕武汉地区自创公园倡议与实践
中国近代公园的产生和发展是一个不断将西方公园 理论与实践成果融入各地特殊的自然、经济、社会、文化情 境,并不懈改良与创新的本土化过程,由此形成近代公园鲜明 的本土特色。以清末社会变革前夕,洋务运动重镇武汉的公园 营建倡议及相关实践活动为研究对象,通过对其早期公园计划 与营建的背景、内容、成效、局限等的溯源考察,探讨晚清 公园理念与实践萌动之时的内容和特征,尝试对本土“公园” 概念的最初形成过程及影响因素进行分析,总结特殊历史情 境下中国近代公园的本土化路径。清末官方进行的公园建设相 关的探索、尝试,奠定了中国近代公园除娱乐属性以外的“教 育”“商贸”“科研”等一系列重要特征,并使得公园作为 “文明”“进步”象征的理念得以广泛传播。厘清这一历史过 程对深刻理解中国近代园林嬗变的内在动因具有积极意义。
关键词:  风景园林  近代公园  洋务运动  清末武汉  本 土化
Good Way of Guiding the People, and Good Companion to Industry—The Initiative and Practice of Modern Parks in Wuhan Before the Social Changes in the Late Qing Dynasty
XIA Xin,YIN Shuaike,GAO Chi
The emergence and development of modern parks in China is a localization process that continuously integrates Western park theories and practical results into the special natural, economic, social, and cultural conditions of various places, and thus forms the distinctive local characteristics of modern parks. This article takes the park construction initiative and related practical activities in Wuhan, a major town of the Westernization Movement, on the eve of the social changes in the late Qing Dynasty, as the research object. It discusses the content and characteristics of the sprouting period of the concept and practice of modern park in the late Qing Dynasty, tries to analyze the initial formation process and influencing factors of the local "park" concept, and summarizes the localization path of modern Chinese parks under special historical circumstances. The official exploration and experimentation of park construction in the late Qing Dynasty established a series of important features of "education", "business", and "scientific research" in addition to the recreational attributes of modern Chinese parks, and made the park as the symbol of "civilization" and "progress". Clarifying this historical process is of positive significance for a deep understanding of the internal motivation of the evolution of modern Chinese gardens
Key words:  landscape architecture  park in modern history  Westernization Movement  Wuhan in the late Qing Dynasty  localization

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