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清代皇家园林图咏的古迹阐释 ——以圆明园和避暑山庄为例
园林图咏是以绘画描绘园林景观、附有题跋诗咏予 以阐释的传统图册,由唐宋史地杂咏和八景绘画发展而来。园 林景观并非古迹,却在文化上与古迹紧密联系,利用古迹进行 景观创作,古迹是园林创作的重要源泉之一。以具有代表性的 清代皇家园林图咏——圆明园和避暑山庄图咏为例,分析图咏 景名、序言、御制诗及注释文本,对比各景绘图与相关古迹图 像,提出了园林图咏阐释古迹的3种方式,即景名源于古迹典 故、主题内涵索引古迹、形象布局写仿古迹,阐释了古迹的社 会价值以及文物价值中的历史和艺术价值。
关键词:  风景园林  园林图咏  古迹阐释  圆明园  避暑 山庄
The Interpretation of Illustrated Poems of Royal Gardens of the Qing Dynasty for Guji: Taking the Old Summer Palace and Chengde Mountain Resort as Examples
LI Dongyao,WU Cong
: Illustrated poems are a kind of Chinese traditional painting albums, which describe and interpret the garden landscape with paintings and poems, and the development of them can be traced back to the history-chanting poetry and eight views paintings from the Tang and Song dynasty. The new landscapes depicted in the illustrated poems are not guji, but have a close relationship with guji culturally. The illustrated poems interpret the guji values and carry out landscape designs with guji, guji is one of the most important sources of garden designs. This paper takes the two most representative royal gardens, the Old Summer Palace and the Chengde Mountain Resort, as examples, with the text analysis, image contrast and guji analysis by of scene names, forewords, imperial poetry, annotations and illustrations, putting forward the three ways for royal garden to interpret guji, landscape naming drawn from guji and allusions, themes refined from guji and designs imitating guji. The interpretation of illustrated poems focuses on the social values and historical and artistic ones of cultural relic values.
Key words:  : landscape architecture  illustrated poems  interpretation of Guji (ancient traces)  the Old Summer Palace  the Chengde Mountain Resort

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