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日本里山农业文化遗产景观保护和 利用政策实施与经验解读
十九大以来,乡村振兴与农业农村现代化作为国家 方针战略地位逐步提升。乡村振兴重点在于优化农业生产模式 与农村人居环境,其中的“新”与“旧”的矛盾日渐凸显,如 何在立新的大背景下兼顾传统农业文化遗产景观并落实保护工 作,将成为今后的重要课题。选取日本里山作为研究对象,梳 理日本典型农业遗产景观历史及保护利用沿革,并针对日本现 行最新的重要里山保护策略,运用空间、语义等分析方法,对 日本现行的农业文化遗产景观保护与利用政策实施现状及经验 展开评估分析讨论,以期为中国农业文化遗产保护与利用工作 提供思路与经验参考。
关键词:  风景园林  文化景观  农业文化遗产景观  里山  生态保护  词频分析
P o l i c y I m p l e m e n t a t i o n a n d E x p e r i e n c e Interpretation on the Conservation and Utilization of the Agricultural Heritage Landscape in Satoyama, Japan
SU Chang,LUO Shige,GUO Shiyi
Since the 19th CPC National Congress, the status of rural revitalization and agricultural and rural modernization as a national policy and strategy has been gradually raised. The focus of rural revitalization is to optimize the agricultural production mode and rural living environment, in which the contradiction between the "new" and the "old" is becoming more and more prominent, how to take into account the traditional agricultural cultural landscape and implement the conservation of agricultural heritage landscape in the context of establishing new ones will become an important issue in the future. The important issue for the future is how to take into account the traditional agricultural cultural landscape and implement the conservation of agricultural heritage landscape in the context of establishing new stage. The study is aimed at compiling the history of the agricultural heritage landscape of Satoyama in Japan, and analyzing and discussing the experience of the conservation and revitalization strategy of the agricultural cultural heritage landscape in the new era in Japan in the light of the latest conservation strategy of "Important Satoyama" in Japan, with a view to providing ideas and references for the future conservation of agricultural heritage in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cultural landscape  agricultural heritage landscape  Satoyama  ecological conservation  wordfrequency analysis

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