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主客观数据融合的热点园亭景观意象 感知评价研究
景观意象感知是传播中国古典园林文化的重要途 径,但对其进行定量评价的方法尚不多见。首先以苏州四大古 典园林的园亭为研究样本,遵循意象传播中主客体交流的规 律,综合利用游客GPS数据和问卷数据挖掘游客感知热点园 亭;然后采用主客观融合的综合赋权方法,对热点园亭的景观 意象因子进行权重解析和综合评价;最后建立园亭景观意象感 知评价体系,并探明园亭景观意象感知的形成与传播途径,揭 示园亭景观意象感知评价的意义。结果表明:提出的评价体系 能够较好量化游客对于园亭景观意象要素的主观认知,其中的 意象因子感知权重与游客感知满意度有较高的一致性。在风景 园林设计实践中,可运用该评价体系对景观意象要素进行精准 设计,进而提升游客感知满意度。
关键词:  风景园林  古典园林  园亭  景观意象  游客感知
Perception and Evaluation of Landscape Imagery in Hotspot Pavilions Based on Integrating Objective and Subjective Data: Taking Suzhou Classical Garden as an Example
CONG Xin,DING Shaogang,WANG Xiaowen,WANG Han,ZHANG Qinghai
: Landscape image perception is an important way to spread Chinese classical garden culture, but there are few quantitative evaluation methods. This paper takes the garden pavilions of the four classical gardens in Suzhou as the research sample, follows the rules of subject and object communication in image communication, and comprehensively uses tourist GPS data and questionnaire data to mine tourist perception hot garden pavilions.Then, the weight analysis and comprehensive evaluation of the landscape image factors of the hot garden pavilion are carried out by using the comprehensive weighting method of subjective and objective fusion.Finally, a perception evaluation system of garden pavilion landscape image is established, and the formation and propagation of the perception of garden pavilion landscape image is explored, and the significance of perception evaluation of garden pavilion landscape image is revealed. The results show that the proposed evaluation system can better quantify tourists' subjective cognition of landscape image elements, and there is a high consistency between the perceived weight of image factors and tourists' perceived satisfaction. In the practice of landscape design, the evaluation system can be used to accurately design landscape image elements, so as to improve the satisfaction of tourists' perception
Key words:  : landscape architecture  classical garden  pavilion  landscape imagery  visitor perception

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