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新加坡Green Mark标准的亲生物性 指标研究:基于气候响应视角
亲生物性是提高人居环境的健康与福祉、应对气候 变化的重要理论,在绿色建筑设计中引入亲生物性对于提升城 市中植物的固碳潜力具有重要作用。绿色建筑设计中亲生物性 设计策略的选择受到当地气候特征的影响,但当前关于地域性 亲生物性设计策略和绿色建筑评价标准的研究尚缺乏。通过文 献综述,从气候响应的视角梳理亲生物性理论,总结归纳湿热 气候下的亲生物性设计策略框架。新加坡Green Mark标准是 热带和亚热带地区领先的绿色建筑评价系统,构建亲生物性设 计策略框架并对其进行案例分析,归纳新加坡Green Mark标 准在条文分类、分值权重、策略选择3个方面引入亲生物性指 标的具体方法。总结的框架和方法不仅可为中国地域性绿色建 筑评价标准的制定和发展提供参考意见,还可为后续湿热气候 下的绿色建筑亲生物性指标评价框架的制定奠定理论基础。
关键词:  风景园林  亲生物性  新加坡  Green Mark 标准  气候响应
Research on the Biophilic Index of Green Mark: Based on the Perspective of Climate Response
WANG Jing,FENG Danya,ZHANG Qianning
Biophilia is an important theory to improve the health and well-being of human settlements and cope with climate change. In green building design, the introduction of biophilia in green building design plays an important role in expanding the carbon sequestration potential of plants in cities, and the choice of design strategy is affected by the local climate characteristics, but the current research on regional design strategy and green building evaluation standard is still insufficient. Through literature review, this paper sorts out the theory of biophilia from the perspective of climate response, and summarizes the framework of biophilic design strategy in hot and humid climate. Based on this theory, this paper analyzes the typical green building evaluation standard in hot and humid areas, Singapore Green Mark standard, and sorts out the introduction strategy of biophilic index in three aspects: classification of clauses, score weight, and evaluation method. The framework and methods summarized in this paper not only provide reference for the formulation and development of regional green building evaluation standards in China, but also lay a theoretical foundation for the subsequent formulation of the evaluation framework of green building biophilic index characteristics in hot and humid climate.
Key words:  landscape architecture  biophilia  Singapore  Green Mark  climate response

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