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新时期城市总设计师制的风景园林学科 实践与思考
在生态文明建设和美丽中国的时代背景下,尤其是 进入“十四五”时期,高质量发展和绿色发展成为时代主旋 律,城市总设计师制度在全国范围内推广是大势所趋。长期以 来,风景园林以其学科的独立立场,更关注动物、植物、景物 与人等生命共同体,从而成为空间规划设计中的先导力量。探 究了城市总设计师制的思想背景和总设计师制的提出与发展, 以风景园林师主导的系列实践历程为切入点进行分析,立足风 景园林学科特点和行业蓬勃发展态势,提出风景园林总设计师 在重点国家项目建设、绿色生态基础设施建设、景观生态敏感 综合地块建设中的优势作用,以期为城市总设计师制度的繁荣 和可持续发展提供实践样本。
关键词:  风景园林  绿色发展  人居环境学  城市总设计师  风景园林学  风景园林师
Practice and Consideration of Landscape Architecture Discipline on City Chief Designer System in the New Era
HE Fang,SUO Xiu
In the context of ecological civilization and Beautiful China, especially in the 14th Five-Year Plan period, high-quality development and green development have become the main themes of the times, and it is an irresistible trend to promote city chief designer system nationwide. For a long time, landscape architecture, with its independent disciplinary position, has paid more attention to the life community of animals, plants, sceneries and people, thus becoming the leading force in spatial planning and design. This paper explores the ideological background of city chief designer and the proposal and development of city chief designer system, and analyzes the series of practices led by landscape architects as the entry point. Based on the discipline characteristics of landscape architecture and the vigorous development trend of the industry, this paper puts forward the advantages and functions of the chief landscape architect in the construction of key national projects, the construction of green ecological infrastructure and the construction of comprehensive land plots sensitive to landscape ecology, in order to provide practical samples for the prosperity and sustainable promotion of the city chief landscape architect system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green development  human habitat environment study  city chief designer  landscape architecture study  landscape architect

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