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小有天园选址于西子湖畔之南屏山麓,其园林营建 与造园基址和外部环境有着极大的关联性。以小有天园的布局 结构为研究切入点,结合文献、界画及已有复原成果,深入理 解园林布局和视景营造,并探析基于此空间环境的景境氛围特 征,得出以下结论:园林布局依山就势,园林和外部环境之间 具有较高的流动性;景观视线组织以借景为目的,极大程度扩 展了园林的视觉空间;景致营造利用基址现状,稍做经营,使 景观富有层次;景境氛围体现出山林环境的影响。通过对小有 天园的营造研究,以期完善自然山水园的营建理论,凸显杭州 私家园林营造的地域特色,并为现代园林设计提供借鉴。
关键词:  风景园林  小有天园  布局结构  视景营造  景境
A Study of the Layout, Structure and Landscape of Xiaoyoutian Garden
LEI Mengyu,JIN Hexian,WANG Xin
he site of Xiaoyoutian Garden is located at the foot of Nanping Mountain by the West Lake, and its garden construction has great relevance to the base of gardening and external environment. With the layout and structure of Xiaoyoutian Garden as the starting point of the study, combined with the literature, boundary paintings and existing restoration results, an in-depth understanding of the garden layout and scenery creation is gained, the characteristics of the scenery atmosphere based on this spatial environment are explored, and the following conclusions are drawn: the garden layout is positioned according to the mountains, and there is a high degree of fluidity between the garden and the external environment; the landscape sightlines are organized for the purpose of borrowing scenery, which greatly expands the visual space of the garden; using the current state of the site in scenery creation, the landscape is slightly managed to make the landscape rich in layers; and the scenic atmosphere reflects the influence of the mountain environment. Through the study of the creation of Xiaoyoutian Garden, the theory of the construction of natural landscape garden is improved, to provide reference for modern garden design.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Xiaoyoutian Garden  layout and structure  visual landscape creation  scenery and poetic world

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