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中国自然保护地规划研究回顾与展望 ——基于研究层次的视角
多年来,中国形成了部门主导、分类管理的自然保 护地治理模式。不同部门背景的研究机构和学者基于部门、 行业和专业的视角开展了各具特色的规划研究。这些研究主 要集中在单个自然保护地和区域自然保护地体系规划体例研 究、单个自然保护地规划专项研究,以及自然保护地规划体 系研究3个层次。总体而言,中国自然保护地规划研究呈现出 了将实践研究作为主导研究方式;开展了大量针对国外的案 例研究;拓展了多元的规划技术研究;支撑了标准规范的制 定等特点。建议近期我国自然保护地规划研究应聚焦符合中 国国情的自然保护地规划体系研究、国土空间规划与自然保 护地规划衔接研究、自然保护地社区可持续发展规划研究、 结合实践的规划编制过程和公众参与研究,以及支撑规划与 管理的法律法规和标准规范研究5个研究重点。
关键词:  风景园林  自然保护地  规划体系  国家公园  国土空间规划
Review and Prospect on the Planning of Protected Areas in China—Based on Research Levels
YU Han,WANG Zhongjie,LIN Yuqing,WANG Xiaoshi
Over the years, China has formed a department-led, classified management of protected area governance model. Research institutions and scholars from different competent departments have carried out distinctive planning studies from the perspectives of departments, industries and specialties. These researches mainly focus on three levels: the planning style of single protected area and regional protected area system, the special research of single protected area planning, and the construction of protected area planning system. Generally speaking, the planning research of protected area in China takes practice research as the leading research method; a large number of foreign case studies have been carried out; the research of multiple planning technologies is expanded; and the development of standards and specifications is supported. It is suggested that the recent research on the planning of protected area in China should focus on five priorities: the planning system of protected area in line with China's national conditions, the connection between land space planning and protected area planning, the planning of sustainable development of protected area communities, the planning process combined with practice and public participation, and the laws, regulations and standards supporting the planning and management.
Key words:  landscape architecture  protected area  planning system  national park  territorial spatial planning

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