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文化线路视野下的老城复兴路径与策略 探究——以山西省陵川县为例
文化线路以其整体性、连续性、动态性对于遗产资 源保护的重要意义已成为共识,多维度、多尺度发展文化线路 视野是当前的研究热点。从城市尺度出发,将传统区域尺度的 文化线路内涵活化引入老城空间,强化历史遗产保护和现代社 会发展的相互促进,总结凝练出整体价值、连接廊道、动态视 角三大关联特征,为老城更新改造提供了新的思路。围绕“要 素识别调查-适宜评价分析-空间规划布局-分类营建策略”的 基本框架展开文化线路视野下的老城复兴路径探讨。并以陵川 老城为研究案例,提出以空间线路为载体,遗产保护为核心, 兼顾生态修复、社区营建及城市公共空间整治的老城整体性复 兴策略,形成了一套综合且翔实的规划方法。
关键词:  风景园林  文化线路  老城复兴  规划方法  遗 产保护
The Path and Strategy of the Revival of Old City in the View of Cultural Routes—Taking Lingchuan County of Shanxi Province as an Example
LIU Yutong,LI Fangzheng,LI Xiong
It has become a consensus that cultural route is of great significance to heritage resources protection because of its integrity, continuity and dynamics. The multi-dimensional and multi-scale development of cultural route vision is the current research hotspot. Starting from the urban scale, this paper introduces the cultural routes connotation of traditional regional scale into the old city space, strengthens the mutual promotion of historical heritage protection and modern social development, summarizes and condenses three related characteristics of overall value, connecting corridor and dynamic perspective, which provides a new idea for the old city renewal and transformation. Based on the basic framework of "factor identification survey, suitability evaluation analysis, spatial planning and layout, and classified construction strategy", this paper discusses the path of old city regeneration from the perspective of cultural routes. Taking Lingchuan old city as a case study, this paper puts forward a comprehensive and detailed planning method, which takes space routes as carrier, and heritage protection as core, and integrates ecological restoration, community construction and urban public space renovation
Key words:  landscape architecture  cultural route  old city revival  planning method  heritage protection

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