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消逝的“花屏”——明清园林中的独特 造景
“花屏”是明清园林中一项独特的造景细节,也是 明清园林文化的重要体现。通过对大量明清园林的园记、园 图等史料的考察,梳理了“花屏”的多样形式、功能和造景手 法,并探析了这一造景形式的历史演变、审美变迁及其原因。 分析了“花屏”经过从对西晋石崇“锦步障”和南宋“飞英 会”的继承和延续,到明代“花屏”的兴起与流行,再到晚明 文人对其审美情趣的转变,以及清代“花屏”的创新与发展这 一历史演变,并阐述其对日韩园林造景的影响。通过该研究, 可更加细致地认识明清园林发展中的特点和转变,也对古园复 原研究、当代植物造景具有一定参考意义。
关键词:  风景园林  花屏  明清园林  历史演变  审美变 迁  植物  造景
The Vanishing "Flower Screen"—The UniqueLandscaping in the Gardens of Ming and QingDynasties
JIA Xingxing,ZHANG Qingping
"Flower screen" is a unique landscape detail in Ming and Qing gardens, and also an important embodiment of Ming and Qing garden culture. Based on the investigation of a large number of historical materials such as garden records and garden maps in Ming and Qing Dynasties, this paper sorts out the various forms, functions and landscaping techniques of "flower screen", and analyzes the historical evolution, aesthetic changes and the reasons. This paper analyzes the historical evolution of "flower screen", from the inheritance and continuation of ShiChong's "Jinbu barrier" in the Western Jin Dynasty and the "Feiying Association" in the Southern Song Dynasty, to the rise and popularity of "flower screen" in the Ming Dynasty, to the transformation of the literati's aesthetic taste in the late Ming Dynasty, as well as the innovation and development of "flower screen" in the Qing Dynasty, and expounds its impact on landscape architecture in Japan and South Korea. Through this study, the characteristics and changes in the development of gardens in Ming and Qing Dynasties could be understood more carefully, and it also provides reference for the restoration of ancient gardens and the practice of contemporary plant landscaping.
Key words:  landscape architecture  flower screen  gardens of Ming and Qing Dynasties  historical evolution  aesthetic change  plant  landscaping

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