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美国大学校园遗产保护的体系化经验及 启示
大学校园遗产作为一种专类遗产,其保护体系建设 是实现校园遗产法治化、科学化、规范化管理的关键。目前, 中国尚未正式出台任何专类遗产保护标准。因此,如何实现与 现行历史保护大系统“嫁接”,完善自身体系构建,是校园遗 产体系化建设的关键问题。而21世纪初,美国校园遗产面临 类似问题,却在国家、高校以及社会机构的共同努力下,最终 形成一套“政策-研究-实践”相互融合的保护体系,其成功 经验具有较高借鉴价值。回溯美国校园遗产保护的历史进程, 从“价值观念”“保护方法”“管理机制”3个维度剖析其体 系构成。最后,针对国内大学校园遗产保护体系建设的现实 问题,提出5点启示:1)丰富校园遗产保护的尺度层级;2)提 升历史景观概念的法定地位;3)确定校园遗产评估的价值等 级;4)集成校园遗产保护的技术标准;5)建立校园遗产档案 专职管理机构。
关键词:  风景园林  校园遗产  美国大学  遗产保护  体 系化经验  启示
Systematic Experiences on the U.S. CampusHeritage Preservation and Its Implications
WU Yiwei,LI Jingbo,LI Xiaofeng
As a kind of special heritage, the construction of its preservation system is the key to realize the legal, scientific and standardized management of campus heritage. At present, China has not officially introduced any special heritage preservation standards. Therefore, how to realize the "grafting" with the current historical preservation systems and improve the construction of its own system is the key to the systematic construction of campus heritage. At the beginning of the 21 st century, the American campus heritage faced the same problems, but with the joint efforts of the state, universities and social institutions, it finally formed a set of "policy- research-practice" mutual integration preservation system, and the successful experience has high reference value. The research traces back to the historical process of campus heritage preservation in the United States, and analyzes its system composition from three dimensions of "values", "preservation methods" and "management mechanism". Finally, based on existing problems of campus heritage preservation system in China, five suggestions are put forward: 1) enriching the scale and level of campus heritage protection; 2) enhancing the legal status of the concept of historical landscape; 3) determining the value level of campus heritage evaluation; 4) integrating the technical standards of campus heritage protection; and 5) setting up a full-time management organization of campus heritage archives.
Key words:  landscape architecture  campus heritage  American university  heritage preservation  systematic experience  implication

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